Thursday, October 30, 2014



SATURDAY 11/1/14
10a - 5p

You may arrive as early as 9:00a when Jim and Norm will begin setting up.  Stay as long as you can to get us ready as soon as possible for what's going to be a stellar production!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Schedule Week 3

Freeze Frame Week 3

Monday 10/27
3:45p - 4:30p
Alexandre / Ben

4:30p - 5:00p

5:00p - 7:00p
Ergonomic Full Cast

Tuesday 10/28
3:45p - 4:15p

4:15p - 5:00p
Adie / Fiona

5:00p - 5:45p
Chris / Olivia / India

5:45p - 6:30p
Abigail / Bilal / Caleb

Wednesday 10/29
3:45p - 4:30p
Emma / Alex

4:30p - 7:00p
Present Perfect Full Cast

Thursday 10/30
5:00p - 6:30p
Present Perfect Full Cast

NOTE:  For anyone going to see Bob: A Life in Five Acts on Thursday 10/30, I can give rides to and from the theatre (from Lincoln).  I can hold 4 in my car.  Parental approval via email is mandatory if I am to drive you.  We will leave at 6:40p from Lincoln.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Schedule Week 2


Below is this week's schedule.  I have taken into account the conflicts you listed on your audition forms.  For some of you, I was unable to honor your "preferences".  I ask that you always do everything you can to work out a conflict BEFORE you come to me.  That said, do email me ASAP if you absolutely CANNOT be there for some reason.

You will receive new scripts on whatever day you first come to rehearsal.


Freeze Frame Week 2

Monday 10/20
3:45p - 4:00p

4:00p - 4:30p
Alexandre / Ben

4:30p - 5:00p
Abigail / Bilal / Caleb

5:00p - 5:30p
Adie / Fiona

5:30p - 6:00p
Chris / Olivia / India

6:00p - 6:30p
Emma / Alex

Tuesday 10/21
3:45p - 4:00p

4:00p - 6:30p
Ergonomic Full Cast

Wednesday 10/22
3:45p - 4:30
Alexandre / Ben

4:30p - 6:00p
Present Perfect Full Cast

Thursday 10/23
3:45p - 4:30p
Abigail / Bilal / Caleb

4:30p - 6:00p
Present Perfect Full Cast

Friday 10/24
3:45p - 6:30p
Ergonomic Full Cast


Hello Parents!

Please plan to attend a meeting this week for all things related to this year's exciting festival!

Parent Meeting for Cast and Crew
6p, Wednesday, October 21
30 minute meeting

Sunday, October 12, 2014

General Schedule / Schedule Week #1

Below is the general schedule as previously posted and as dictated in your signed audition packets.  Please remain familiar with this.  Specific schedules will be posted on a weekly basis.  Conflicts are being taken into consideration that were listed on your audition forms.

Everyone is called for the first two days on 10/13 and 10/14 from 3:30p - 5:30p.  Per your signed audition packets, these dates are mandatory and no conflicts are accepted.  

See you tomorrow!


This is preliminary and is subject to change

Week 1
10/13 & 10/14:  3:30p – 5:30p

Week 2
10/20 - 10/24:  3:45p – 6:30p

Week 3
10/27 - 10/29:  3:45p – 7p
10/30:  5:15p - 7:30p

Week 4
11/3 - 11/7:  3:45p – 6:30p

Week 5
11/11 (no school):  10a - 7p
11/12 - 11/14:  3:45p – 6:30p

Week 6
11/17 - 11/20:  3:45 - 6:30p

11/22 and 11/23:  noon - 8p

11/24 & 11/25:  4p - 10:00p
12/1 - 12/2:  6:00p - 10:30p

12/3:  6p – 10:30p

12/4 - 12/6
Tech Call:  5:30p
Actor Call:  6:30p
Go:  7:30p

12/10:  4p – 7p

12/11 - 12/13
Tech Call:  5:30p
Actor Call:  6:30p
Go:  7:30p


12/15:  3:30p – 8p

Friday, October 10, 2014

Freeze Frame: The Acting Company

Thank you for three stellar days of auditioning.  I know the playwrights and I are all grateful for the terrific work.  If you were not cast, I sincerely hope you will consider being involved in other ways.

Please check the blog frequently for updates on the schedule!

The 11th Annual New Works Festival
F R E E Z E    F R A M E

To the Sun
by Nickey Olson

ACE - Kris Nine

JERRY - Alexandre Crepeaux
SCOTT - Ben Pagano

LIBBY - Abigail Meskimen
CHUCK - Bilal Nasir
PAUL - Caleb Sohigian

SAMANTHA - Katie Reahl

EMMA - Adie Fecker
SOPHIE - Fiona Lett-Aragoz

TONY - Christopher Schuring
GRACIE - Olivia Fouger
JULES - India Houides

HOLLY - Emma Weightman
AXEL - Alex Denman-Still

Present Perfect
by Caleb Sohigian

JANIE - Jillian Briglia
DENNIS - Nickey Olson
AVEX - Alex Denman-Still
AMBER - Lauren Sunday
GREG - Clements Park

by Alexandre Crepeaux

JESSICA - Sophia Pratt
NICOLE - Marjorie Sheiman
LAUREN - Caroline Fenty
BROCK - Bilal Nasir
ROMAN - Tucker Litch

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Callbacks - 10/9

I was very impressed with callbacks and have decided to see everyone again!

So...these actors are all still in consideration for roles in Freeze Frame and must come to the auditorium October 9, ready to work at 4:00p sharp:

Sage Lingenfelter
Marjorie Sheiman
India Houides
Katie Reahl
Abigail Meskimen
Emma Weightman
Harper Wilamoski
Carelle Namegabe
Sophie Pratt
Lux Preciado-Solis
Eve Selbie
Adie Fecker
Jillian Briglia
Lauren Sunday
Caroline Fenty
Fiona Lett-Alagoz
Olivia Fouger

Alexandre Crepeaux (optional - to watch only)
Christopher Schuring
Tucker Litch
Bilal Nasir
Nickey Olson
Alex Denman-Still
Ben Pagano
Clements Park
Caleb Sohigian (optional - to watch only)
(Kris Nine) - considered, but out of town

Readings may be from any of the three plays.  Please note that Caleb has made fairly substantial changes to his script; you will be reading cold from the new one!  

See you soon!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Callbacks - Wed. 10/8

Thank you to all who auditioned!

The following actors are still in consideration for roles in Freeze Frame and must come to the auditorium tomorrow, October 8, ready to work at 4:00p sharp:

Sage Lingenfelter
Marjorie Sheiman
India Houides
Katie Reahl
Abigail Meskimen
Emma Weightman
Harper Wilamoski
Carelle Namegabe
Sophie Pratt
Lux Preciado-Solis
Eve Selbie
Adie Fecker
Jillian Briglia
Lauren Sunday
Caroline Fenty
Fiona Lett-Alagoz

Alexandre Crepeaux
Christopher Schuring
Tucker Litch
Bilal Nasir
Nickey Olson* (called back Thursday)
Alex Denman-Still
Ben Pagano
Clements Park
Caleb Sohigian
(Kris Nine) - considered, but out of town

All readings on 10/8 will be from To the Sun.  Additional callbacks will take place on Thursday 10/9 with readings from the other plays.

See you soon!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Audition Process - Slight Change

As a result of a scheduling error, the auditorium is not available tomorrow for general auditions.  This means I have had to rethink the way I want to handle this first round.

It will now be more traditional.  All male actors will be asked to read excerpts from Ace's monologue in To the Sun.  All female actors will be asked to read excerpts from Samantha's monologue from To the Sun.

Monologues will be provided at the audition, but obviously, it will benefit you to look them over in advance.

People will come in one at a time for me - likely in the choir room - beginning at 4p.  Once I have seen everyone, we will be done for the day.

(NOTE:  Should Nickey Olson be auditioning, he will be asked to read something else!)
