Sunday, November 15, 2015

And the Writers are...

The 12th Annual New Works Festival
Vernal Eclipse

featuring writers:
Caroline Fenty
Alex Denman-Still
Alexandre Crepeaux

Caroline Fenty will pen a 30 minute play with five female actors 
subtitled:  a tribal war dance
location:  a small town in the countryside

Alex Denman-Still will pen a 30 minute play with five male actors 
subtitled:  a sinister romance
location:  a small town by the ocean

Alexandre Crepeaux will pen a 45 minute play with five female actors and three male actors 
subtitled: a kaleidoscopic fairy tale
location:  a large city

Monday, October 5, 2015

Shortlist - Small Delay


Deepest apologies for the delay in notifying writer applicants.  I am in the middle of moving, and a mistake was made in my Comcast service cut off date.  As a result, I discovered I was without internet yesterday, and my schedule did not allow for me to go to a hotspot to get all the information out.

Luckily, this morning, the issue is resolved, and I will be able to get the information out shortly.

Thanks for your patience,

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Update: Writer Applications

The window for writer applications has closed.

We have had 12 students apply for the 3 positions.  Based on the quality of the applications, I will narrow the field to a short list of 6 applicants.  These 6 applicants will be interviewed on the phone.

9/29 - 10/3
Application assessment.

10/4 (by 8:00p)
Emails sent to all applicants notifying them of the status of their application.

10/5 - 10/10
Phone Interviews.

Emails sent to the 6 short list applicants, notifying them of whether they have been chosen or not.

Public announcement of writers on the blog.

Please email me if you have questions:

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The 12th Annual New Works Festival: Playwriting Applications

Welcome back to school, Lincoln!

If you are interested in writing for:

The 12th Annual New Works Festival
A Vernal Eclipse

Please click HERE.

Application is due 9/28!