Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Post Show Discussions!

I'm happy to report that we will be holding post-show discussions after both Friday performances with the playwrights and audience.

These will be short chats that begin right after the show.  After curtain call, the playwrights will all come on stage with me, and we will launch into a roughly 20 minute discussion.  Playwrights may wear their costumes if need be - but Bowen...put on a shirt before coming back on stage.  :)

If room allows, actors may also join the audience.

Playwrights should consider how they'd like to articulate their process and how New Works fits into their development as writers.

Let me know if you have questions.  I'm excited to engage in dialogue with the audience about this unique festival.

Monday, February 27, 2017

UPDATED CALL TIMES 2/27 and 2/28


4:00p - 5:00p
Knuckle Knock

5:00p - 6:00p
The 13th Floor

6:00p - 7:00p
Full Cast and Crew
(into costume / make-up and stage prep)

Dress #2
(note:  we will be using stage blood tonight)

(Please note this earlier time and alert rides and the like.)


4:00p - 5:00p
Full Cast for Dress #2 Notes

5:00p - 6:30p
Full Cast and Crew

6:30p - 7:30p
(into costume / make-up and stage prep)

Dress #3


Friday, February 24, 2017

Schedule Update: Saturday 2/25

Updated Schedule

Saturday 2/25
9:00a - 11:00a
No Cast
No Crew
Jared Only (with Matt and Becca)

11:00a - 1:30p
No Cast
Full Crew Called for Prep

1:30p - 2:00p

2:00p - 10:00p
Full Cast and Crew Called
<Dinner will be from 5:30p - 6:30p>*

*Finger foods/snacks will be available all day.
Dinner will be provided for the dinner break.

NOTE:  Please bring homework to do.  There will be moments of down time; use the time wisely.  We can also designate a quiet space for study if necessary.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Props Anyone?

Hey team!

We are in need of a few props.  Please let Jered or Bella know if you possess any of these items and are willing to loan them to the department from 2/23 - 3/13.

* A Dungeons and Dragons set 

* Large classic black umbrella 

* A red scarf (darker red, not candy apple or orange/red)

Monday, February 20, 2017

Schedule to the end!

Lincoln Drama Presents
The 13th Annual New Works Festival
Schedule: 2/21 through 3/13

Tuesday 2/21
3:30p - 4:30p
Full Cast
(costume parade)

4:30p - 5:30p
The Many Droplets

5:30p - 6:30p
Knuckle Knock

Wednesday 2/22
3:30p - 5:00p
The Ladder Queen
A Soul in Seven
Knuckle Knock
The Purring

5:00p - 6:30p
The Many Droplets
The 13th Floor

Thursday 2/23
4:00p - 7:00p
Full Cast and Crew
(run through + headshots)

Friday 2/24
4:00p - 10:00p
No Cast
SMs and selected crew for Cue Build*
*Jared will notify crew members

Saturday 2/25
9:00a - 1:00p
No Cast
Full Crew for Prep

2:00p - 10:00p
Full Cast and Crew

Sunday 2/26
1:00p - 10:30p
Full Cast and Crew
(tech and first dress)

Monday 2/27
4:00p - 10:30p
Full Cast and Crew
(tech and second dress)

Tuesday 2/28
4:00p - 10:30p
Full Cast and Crew
(tech and third dress)

Wednesday 3/1
6:00p - 10:30p
Full Cast and Crew

Thursday 3/2 (opening)*
Call:  6:00p
Go:  7:30p
*company dinner 5:00p - 6:00p

Friday 3/3 (show 2)
Call:  6:00p
Go:  7:30p

Saturday 3/4 (show 3)
Call:  6:00p
Go:  7:30p

Wednesday 3/8 (pick up rehearsal)
Call:  TBD
Go:  TBD

Thursday 3/9 (show 4)
Call:  6:00p
Go:  7:30p

Friday 3/10
Call:  6:00p
Go:  7:30p

Saturday 3/11 (closing)
Call:  6:00p
Go:  7:30p

Monday 3/13
3:30p - 8:00p
(Strike is mandatory for cast and crew)

Costume Parade Tomorrow!

From Jim Peerenboom

Tuesday is dress parade.  Mr. Peerenboom will be sitting down with Matt to look at everyone’s costumes. 

1.        If you have brought in something to be considered, by Tuesday Mr. Peerenboom will have marked the one(s) he wants you to show he and Matt.
2.       If you have communicated with him (email, please: jpeerenb@pps.net) that you have nothing that he listed on the blog for your character, he purchased something for you this past weekend.
3.       If you have not communicated with him at all, he is assuming you are providing your own costume and will have it at Tuesday’s rehearsal to show and Matt and him.
4.       Any questions about your costume?  ASAP email Mr. Peerenboom.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Counting Vegetarians!

The opening night dinner on Thursday, March 2 from 5:00p - 6:00p (mandatory!) will have a vegetarian option.  We need to know your preference so as to get the right amount of food. 

Both crew and cast members need to email Jared your preference by Tuesday 2/21.  As he is a student, his email will not be published here.  If you do not have it, find someone and ask!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

On the Subject of FOOD!!!

There will be food provided on multiple days to keep everyone energized during the long tech/dress process.  Here is the schedule:

Friday, Feb 24 (tech prep / cue build) 
-finger foods 4p-10p

Saturday/Sunday, Feb 25/26 (dry / wet tech / 1st dress)
-finger foods all day AND dinner both days

Monday and Tuesday, Feb 27/28 (Dress Rehearsals)
-finger foods both days

Wednesday, Mar 1 (Preview)
NO FOOD, you're on your own!

Thursday, March 2  (Opening Night)  
- 5:00p - 6:00p DINNER for Cast AND Crew

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

URGENT: Costume Alert!!!


Request for Costumes from Actors
Actors:  please look below for what we are asking you to provide, if possible. 
·       If you cannot provide this, no worries—just let me know prior to Friday. We’re happy to provide what you cannot, but might as well ask you so that we can save money and be sure it fits you.  If something needs to be hemmed, we can do that.
·       The color palette for the play is neutrals (white, greys, black as well as purples/pinks and a little blue.  I’ll try to note when you are welcome to go away from the color palette.
·       In general we’ll be asking you to provide your own footwear or look through what we have in stock that fits you.
·       Once we go into tech you will need to leave this clothing at the theatre.  Think of it on loan during that time where it temporarily belongs to the department.
·       If we have to buy something for you, ask about buying it from us after the show.  If we no longer need it, we’ll sell it for 50% of the cost.
·       Questions?  Email me:  jpeerenb@pps.net.

Ladder Queen:
Currently the department will provide your costume, other than your shoes.  Can you bring in white, casual shoes that fit you well and will give you the mobility you need?

A Soul in Seven
All: Neutrals with some muted/dusty pink or purple accents. Warm clothes:  pants, sweaters, sweatshirts, scarves, hats etc.
Saul and Lucy: Keep in mind that you are basically stationary, with Saul in her arms the entire show.  So in terms of material, we don’t want sound when your clothes scrape against each other.

Knuckle Knock
Jeff: We have your costume already, but need to have you try it on. 
Adelaide:  jeans or a heavy pant, flannel shirt, overcoat in neutrals/dusty pink or purple.

The Purring
Tom-Cat: We are providing your costume.
Angelica:  Pinks and lighter greys.  A skirt with leggings, more form fitting top. Flats.
Hannah:   Darker tones with softer textures:  Pants and a bulky sweater, casual, chunkier shoes.

Kylie and Eliza:  We will provide your tops, as we will need two of them (one to wear that night, one that is being cleaned of “blood” from the prior performance).
Carmen:  Black/purple/or grey leggings, black full/flowy skirt, black turtle-neck or long-sleeved black top, beret, some accessories you think she would wear.
Kylie:   jeans or black/dark grey leggings, sneakers or flats.
Eliza:  Pink and/or burgundy skirt, coordinated leggings.
Jordan:  grey sweatpants, t-shirt (long or short sleeved), Converse.
Theo:  Grey slacks, form-fitting burgundy or grey sweater, black or brown dress shoes, white button down.

The Many Droplets
Luke: “nerd” t-shirt (not Star Wars or Star Trek), jeans, sneakers.
Ken: Preppy clothing including footwear.
Nina: t-shirt dress or skater dress, flats.
Luna: Jeans, bulky top, bulky coat, boots or chunky shoes.
Alistair: grey casual pants, grey thermal/Henley, hoodie. Grey Converse.

The 13th Floor
Pete: Khakis, plaid button down, penny loafers.
Fay: short, colorful dress/palazzo pants and blouse, blazer, demi boots that are easy for you to move in
Beth: jewel-toned short-sleeved dress with coordinating leggings, flats.
Crystal: khaki pant/skinny jean, button up, cardigan, neutral flats.
Rich: Private school outfit (blue blazer, light blue or white button down, blue or grey dress shorts, navy blue tie, navy socks, maybe a beanie)

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

URGENT: Measurements


Jim Peerenboom needs you to fill THIS FORM out and drop it off at his office OR email it to him at: jpeerenb@pps.net by end of tomorrow, Wednesday 2/8.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Macstop! and Stuff!

Stuff 1
Due to unforeseen college-related conflicts that affect her availability to particulate in tech rehearsals, Emma Nash has had to withdraw from our production.  The conflict is unfortunate, but I completely understand her need to pursue her college career.  I thank her for her time and dedication and wish her the very best in her endeavors.  Ava Sweet will be stepping into the role of Eliza for Macstop!  I'm thrilled she's willing to jump into the process.  And I have no doubt everyone will welcome her and help her catch up.

Stuff 2
This situation brings up the need to remind people that all rehearsal/tech/dress/performance/strike times from 2/13 - 3/13 are mandatory per the contracts you and your guardians all signed.  "Mandatory" means mandatory.  Emergencies certainly come up, and I will consider them should they arise, but in general, you must make the choice to put this production #1 from 2/13 to 3/13.  

Stuff 3
Another challenge today is that we have a sick cast member who will not be able to attend Macstop! rehearsal.  That said, Macstop! will still meet at 5:30p as scheduled this afternoon so as to allow Ava to get her blocking.  We will also look at other moments as we can.  It's an exercise in flexibility!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Reminder: When Snow Attacks...

If you read forecasts and get alerts, you may know that there's a possibility of up to a foot of snow by Monday morning.  There is also the potential that nothing more than rain will happen.

Just a reminder that when school is cancelled, we are cancelled.  And we will not adjust the schedule, but move forward as it's written.  In this way, you can plan accordingly. Let me know if you have questions.

And...let's all do the "no snow" dance right now!

Friday, February 3, 2017

NW13 Rehearsal Schedule 2/6 - 2/17

Lincoln Drama Presents
The 13th Annual New Works Festival
Schedule: 2/6 through 2/17

Monday 2/6
3:45p - 4:30p
Knuckle Knock

4:30p - 5:30p
The Purring
5:30p - 6:30p

Tuesday 2/7
3:45p - 5:00p
The Ladder Queen

5:00p - 6:00p
A Soul in Seven

Wednesday 2/8
3:45p - 4:45p
The Ladder Queen

4:45p - 5:45p
The Many Droplets

5:45p - 7:00p
The 13th Floor

Thursday 2/9
3:45p - 4:30p
The Many Droplets

4:30p - 5:30p

5:30p - 6:45p
The 13th Floor

Friday 2/10
3:45p - 4:30p
Knuckle Knock

4:30p - 5:30p
A Soul in Seven

5:30p - 6:30p
The Purring

Monday 2/13
3:45p - 5:00p
The 13th Floor

5:00p - 5:45p
A Soul in Seven

5:45p - 6:45p
The Ladder Queen

Tuesday 2/14
4:00p - 4:45p
Knuckle Knock

4:45p - 5:30p
The Purring

5:30p - 6:30p

Wednesday 2/15
3:45p - 4:30p
The Ladder Queen

4:30p - 5:15p
Knuckle Knock

5:15p - 6:45p
The Many Droplets

Thursday 2/16
4:00p - 4:45p

4:45p - 6:30p
The 13th Floor

Friday 2/17
3:45p - 5:00p
The Many Droplets

5:00p - 5:45p
A Soul in Seven

5:45p - 6:30p
The Purring

2/3 Cancelled

PPS has closed buildings today.  And although there is a possibility that "evening activities" will continue as planned, there's no clear information on how that affects us, given the afternoon start times.  Because of the unknowns and the fact that PPS will not make firm decisions until mid-afternoon, we are canceling rehearsal to allow people to plan the rest of their day and prevent any confusion.

Thank you for your patience.  Enjoy a post-finals day off.  Stay tuned for upcoming schedules.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


from your stage manager:


We need  your help to help set the stage for Lincoln High School’s 13th Annual New Works Festival, Superstition! Build crew is a great way to get involved with the theater program here at Lincoln, as well as earn incentive points and getting to work with a great deal of fantastic people! For anyone who isn’t sure how they feel about being involved in theater, this is a great place to start.

Build crew will be responsible for helping construct the intimate seating arrangement in the auditorium, as well as helping with other technical set-ups such as light hang.

Build crew members will be needed this coming Sunday 2/5 from 10:00AM to 5:00PM in the auditorium to help out, as well as the following weekend 2/11 and 2/12 from 10:00AM to 5:00PM. Light hangs will also happen on 2/15, 2/16, and 2/17 if needed, and again the following week on 2/21 and 2/22.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

URGENT: Sunday Build 2/5


The Saturday 2/4 load-in has been cancelled due to a lack of available labor.  However, we are going to still hold a Sunday 2/5 load-in from 10a - 5p.  This is critical if we are to remain on schedule.

We are asking that any and all Lincoln Drama Department students and parents along with the cast and crew contribute as much time as possible that day.

Please RSVP as soon as possible to Jim Peerenboom and let him know when you can come in and when you will leave between 10a - 5p on 2/5.

Email: jpeerenb@pps.net 

Another round of load-in will happen on 2/11 and 2/12 - details coming soon.

Thank you for your help!

RE: The Next Schedule

I know people are awaiting the next schedule.  Because there is now the possibility that inclement weather may force cancellations of after school activities on Thursday and all activities on Friday, I cannot publish the schedule until we see what happens the rest of this week.  If cancellations are necessary, it will greatly impact the process as we will then have to look at make-up rehearsals.  What this would mean is that some rehearsals would go later than originally anticipated (likely to 7:00p) and there would be the potential for an added weekend rehearsal.

Bottom line:  hold tight and thanks for your patience.