Friday, July 7, 2017

NW14 Writer Selection

The selection process this year was incredibly rigorous.  There were 17 applicants. My initial assessment led me to narrow this to 10 finalists.  The proposals and writing samples from the 10 finalists were sent to two out-of-state colleagues of mine - two women playwrights / dramaturges who read them "blind", meaning names were removed from the documents.  I held interviews with the 10 finalists and scored the interviews.  A conference call was then held with my two colleagues, and they offered their scores and thoughts.  Everything was averaged.  And the results are below!  

If you were not selected, please know that the overwhelming sentiment was that all the finalists possess immense talent.  And I will add, so do all the writers who did not make the finalists list.  I urge every single applicant to keep writing.  And I hope everyone will want to be involved in the festival in some way.

Congrats to everyone for the hard work and thoughtful applications!!!

The Lincoln High School Drama Department presents
The 14th Annual New Works Festival:
Eye to Eye
directed by Matthew B. Zrebski

Playwright:  Michael Walsh
Genre:  Absurdist Comedy
Casting:  3 teen men, 1 teen woman
Length:  15 - 25 minutes
Issue:  The death penalty

Playwright:  Sammy Martin
Genre:  Psychological Thriller
Casting: 2 teen men, 4 teen women
Length:  15 - 25 minutes
Issue:  The American diet and the relating health crisis

Playwright:  Tucker Litch
Genre:  Surreal Romantic Drama
Casting: 3 teen men, 3 teen women
Length: 15 - 25 minutes
Issue:  LGBTQ and gender

Playwright:  Barrett Kent
Genre:  Farcical / Satirical Comedy
Casting: 4 teen men, 3 teen women
Length:  15 - 25 minutes
Issue:  The impact of media

Playwright:  Rory Hays
Genre:  Naturalistic Drama
Casting:  1 teen man, 1 teen woman
Length:  15 - 25 minutes
Issue:  The education system in America

Playwright:  Bowen Hampton
Genre:  Devised (tonally varied, pending discovery)
Casting:  3 teen men, 4 teen women
Length:  4, 5-minute segments and 3, 90 second segments
Issue:  Division in America