Sunday, September 29, 2019

RE: 11/1 and 11/15 Mandatory Dates

I am aware that these mandatory dates have raised concerns.

Friday 11/1 
10:00a - 6:00p
This date conflicts with Children's Theatre Workshop. We are working this out so no one in NW16 needs to be concerned.

Friday 11/15
4:15p - 7:00p
This date potentially conflicts with Music-a-thon. We are currently in discussions to see how to handle this.

Bottom line: No one should be concerned about auditioning based on these "mandatory" dates. We are working as an artistic department team to ensure students don't have to "choose".

Monday, September 23, 2019

NW16: The Audition Info Packet! / Sign Ups!

For all who wish to audition for NW16:  Monumental, the audition packet must be read in full and all instructions followed.  You can download it here:

If you are unable to print at home, please see Mr. Peerenboom and request a copy.  There may also be some available on the auditorium door.

The sign up sheet for generals will be on the auditorium door very soon. Don't delay in signing up!

As always, feel free to reach out with questions, concerns, requests and the like:

NW16: Audition Drafts - READ!

In preparation for auditions, all should become very familiar with the current drafts of the plays.  Here is a link to the audition drafts:

What is an audition draft?  
This is the current draft being used for the auditions.  Actors who audition should be prepared (in both the general auditions and call back auditions) to read anything from these plays. 

Are these the final drafts?  
NO.  Numerous rewrites may take place over the course of rehearsals.  New work is never "done" but always "in process".  Typically, scripts will be "set" with no more changes about 1 week from tech rehearsals.  

Enjoy these writers' hard work!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

NW16: Stage Managers!

Introducing the NW16 Stage Management Team!

Zoe Bowman
Suresh Sehdev
Caroline Moore

Specific roles and duties are still to be determined, but no doubt this incredibly talented trio is a HUGE asset to this production.  Excited!

Monday, September 16, 2019

NW16: Auditions - Save the Dates

More details to come soon!
Audition packets coming soon!
Scripts coming soon!
For now...
Save the Dates!

NW16 - Monumental

General Auditions*
M 9/30 and T 10/1
4:15p - 5:45p

*Those auditioning will pick one of the two dates once sign up sheets are available.

W 10/2
4:15p - 7:30p


TH 10/3
4:15p - 5:45p

**Those auditioning may be asked to come to both days.  It may be possible to miss one of them if there are conflicts.

Mandatory First Read and Orientation^
F 10/4
3:30p - 8:00p

^Yes - Mandatory - clear your calendars.

If you have questions / concerns, contact Matt Zrebski at:

Monday, September 9, 2019


Much information will be coming soon about the New Works Festival.  But this info is really important for planning.

Tech rehearsals for this show are:
FRI 11/22
SA 11/23
SU 11/24

We are off one week for Thanksgiving:
11/25 - 12/1

We come back to Dress:
M 12/2
T 12/3
W 12/4

We run and do pick up:
12/5, 12/6, 12/7, 12/11, 12/12, 12/13, 12/14

Some families choose to leave for Thanksgiving as early as the Friday before Thanksgiving week.  Please know, every single person involved in NW16 must be available for all of the above.  There will be no exceptions to this.  


NW16: Stage Manage?

NW16:  Monumental
Want to stage manage? 

Please send me an email explaining why you think you are right and ready for the job!  I am looking for:

1 Lead Stage Manger
2 Assistant Stage Managers

It is also possible, I'll look at other scenarios - SM "teams" where all have equal titles, but slightly different jobs.

Please only apply if you are interested in any job. I’m not interested in an applicant who would “only want lead” or “only want assistant” or "only want to be on a defined team". The jobs are similar and require strong levels of commitment.  

Do not apply until you have looked at your calendar and have determined that you can fully commit.   (see below) 

Do know that I allow SMs to take days off. Part of having a multi-person team is to better allow for school/show/life balance. That said, it is still a large time commitment.

Once I receive emails and consult with Mr. Peerenboom, I will either ask for phone interviews or make offers outright. 


General Dates: After School - Some Weekends

9/30 - 10/10
-off 10/11 - 10/20-
10/21 - 11/22

11/22 - 11/24

11/25 - 12/1

12/2 - 12/4

12/5, 12/6, 12/7, 12/11, 12/12, 12/13, 12/14
