Wednesday, February 7, 2024

ALERT!!! - Big Schedule Revision

Unfortunately, we have found ourselves in a position where, due to some unforeseen and misunderstood issues, the lighting set up for the show is going to take much longer than anticipated. 

As a result, the entire tech process for actors and crew has been canceled 2/10 - 2/14. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week will now be mostly just actor rehearsals plus costume parade.

This puts us in a very tight situation where it's going to take huge dedication on the part of the entire team to reach opening night with the level of sophisticated execution that everyone has come to expect in the 20 years of this festival. 

Rather than allow ourselves to go to a place of panic, I ask that all go into problem solving mode and dedicate themselves to taking care of their jobs with utmost proficiency. If we all get our own work done, then when we all do come together, we can do so successfully. 

Here is the adjusted actor / crew schedule now through opening. This does not include lighting installation calls which have been individually communicated. For where it says "Select Crew", T and the SMs will be contacting crew members to see who is available.

If anyone has conflicts with this, please email me ASAP - but before you do that, please try to work it out...

W 2/7
3:45p - 5:45p
Called: Ribbons (Actors)

TH 2/8
3:45p - 4:30p
Called: Ribbons & Checkmate (Actors)

4:30p - 5:45p
Called: The Game (Actors)

SA 2/10 and SU 2/11

M 2/12
3:45p - 5:45p
Called: Full Cast
Run / Work / Notes

T 2/13
3:45p - 5:45p
Called: Full Cast
Run / Work / Notes

W 2/14
3:30p - 4:15p
Called: Full Cast and Costume Team
Costume Parade

4:15p - 5:45p
Called: Full Cast
Run / Notes

TH 2/15
3:30p - 5:45p
Called: Sierra, SMs, Board Ops, Select Crew
Dry Tech

F 2/15
4:00p - 9:30p
Called: Sierra, SMs, Board Ops, Select Crew
Dry Tech

SA 2/16
5:30p - 9:30p
Called: Sierra, SMs, Board Ops, Select Crew
Dry Tech

SU 2/17

M 2/19
3:30p - 6:30p
Called: Full Company
Wet Tech

T 2/20
3:30p - 6:30p
Called: Full Company
Wet Tech

W 2/21
1:00p - 10:00p*
Called: Full Company
Dress Tech Runs
*Full Company Released for In School Field Trip after lunch
Meal Provided: 5:00p - 5:30p

TH 2/22
3:30p - 6:00p
Called: Full Company
Dress Tech Trouble Spots
Meal Provided: 6:00p - 6:30p

6:30p - 7:30p

7:30p GO (Opening)

For the remainder of the run:
2/23, 2/24, 2/29, 3/1, 3/2
Crew Call: 5:30p
Actor Call: 6:00p
Show Go: 7:30p

W 2/28
Called: Full Company
Pick Up / Photos

Saturday, February 3, 2024

NW20 Schedule 3/5 - 3/8


M 3/5
3:45p - 5:45p
Called: Checkmate

T 3/6
3:45p - 5:00p
Called: Report

W 3/7
3:45p - 5:45p
Called: Ribbons

TH 3/8
3:45p - 4:30p
Called: Checkmate & Ribbons

4:30p - 5:45p
Called: The Game

Saturday, January 27, 2024

NW20 - Schedule 1/29 - 2/2


M 1/29
1:00p - 3:00p
Called: Checkmate

T 1/30
3:45p - 5:30p
Called: Report

W 1/31
3:45p - 5:30p
Called: Ribbons

TH 2/1
3:45p - 5:45p
Called: The Game

F 2/2
3:45p - 4:45p
Called: Report

5:00p - 7:00p
Called: Full Company / Run!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

NW20 - Rehearsals Resume - Schedule!

Below is the schedule for this week. The week of 1/29 will be posted soon, but we need to add a rehearsal to make up some of the lost time. We are adding a rehearsal on: 

Friday 2/2 3:45p - 7:30p 

If you have any conflicts with that date / time frame, please email me at no later than M 1/22 at 10:00p. Once I have those conflicts, I can write the schedule for that entire week. As we go heavy into blocking rehearsals, make sure to always bring a pencil!

In the meantime, here is this week's schedule:

M 1/22
3:45p - 4:45p
Called: Report

5:00p - 6:30p
Called: Checkmate

T 1/23
4:00p - 5:30p
Called: Ribbons

5:45p - 7:00p
Called: The Game

W 1/24
3:45p - 5:15p
Called: Checkmate

5:30p - 6:30p
Called: Report

TH 1/25
3:45p - 5:15p
Called: The Game

5:30p - 7:00p
Called: Ribbons

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

NW20 - Rehearsal Calendar Shift

The current rehearsal calendar has us scheduled to rehearse on MLK Day M 1/15. This was an error on my part. We are now going to eliminate that rehearsal, but add F 1/19 (3:45p - 7:00p).

If you have any conflicts on F 1/19 from 3:45p - 7:00p, please email them to me no later than this coming Friday, 1/5 at 9:00p.  As always, email me at: 

Thank you.