Saturday, November 9, 2019

NW16 Program Bio Request

NW16:  Monumental
Request for Program Biography

Every single student involved in the show - cast & crew - must pen a 60 word (or less) short biography for the program.  This is to be done in professional format.  The link for the form is HERE - or just follow the directions below.

General Rules:  
60 words or less.  Write in 3rd person.  Keep it about your credits / training.  Keep it pithy.  No jokes. No personal aspirations.  Simple “thank yous”.

Good Example:
Casey Ortiz is a junior and has previously been seen in Little Shop of Horrors as Audrey and was the Stage Manager for The Crucible.  She is also an intern at ACT’s Academy for Young Performers.  She thanks her parents and brother for being a constant support.

Bad Example – DO NOT DO THIS:
I’ve been in a few plays and they were awesome!  My favorite was being Audrey in Little Shop.  I do plays outside of drama at other places.  I hope one day to make it on Broadway and win a Tony.  I’m going for it!  

No later than Monday 11/18
Paste your bio directly into the body of your message and email to:

No late submissions will be accepted.  If late, your bio will read “no bio submitted”.  BUT THAT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.  We will have 100% compliance on this. 

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