Saturday, February 27, 2016

Audition Packet / Conflicts

Though most of you have probably picked up the packet in hard copy from the auditorium door, please click HERE should you wish to download it.  It is critical that you and your guardian(s) read it thoroughly and that the final page - the audition form - be properly filled out and brought with you to generals - including a headshot!

The mandatory dates in the packet are just that:  mandatory.  Do not audition if you have conflicts during those dates.  Here they are:

Thursday 3/17:  3:30p - 6:00p

Friday 4/8:  10:00a - 6:00p (no school that day)

Saturday 4/16:  1:00p - 6:00p

All rehearsals / shows:  4/25 through 5/16

As for other conflicts, I will consider but not guarantee that I can accommodate. And you should note that conflicts play a major role in casting.  The more conflicts you have, the less likely you are to be cast.  For those in Vivace, I expect a compromise.  I will not let you out for every Vivace rehearsal if you are called, so please note that it will have to be negotiated.


Added Audition Slots

Due to the extremely enthusiastic response to the audition opportunity, we have added 12 additional slots for generals.  

First come, first serve!  

On the auditorium door!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Vernal Eclipse: Audition Drafts!!!

The audition drafts of the scripts for Vernal Eclipse are now available for download.

Bearing the Blaze
by Caroline Fenty

by Alex Denman-Still

Warning Sign
by Alexandre Crepeaux

Click HERE to read/download.

What is an "Audition Draft"?  
These are the drafts that everyone auditioning must read prior to coming in to audition for the production.  These also represent the current versions of the plays.  What's important to note is that, being a new works festival, these scripts will go through changes.  Once the production is cast, the playwrights will be able to hear their work read by the actors and then assess the needs for edits, additions, etc.  As always, this is a fluid process with the ultimate goal being to present the best possible versions of the plays by opening night!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Vernal Eclipse: Apply for Stage Management


I am looking for a strong, responsible, and committed stage manager for this year's festival.  

The job requires incredible organization, solid communication skills, even temperament, and the ability to multitask extremely well.  The SM will also run either the light or sound board.  

Though experience is helpful, I am also open to someone who possesses the above qualities and has the desire to learn.

If interested, please email me directly to set up a phone or in-person interview.  

Email Deadline:  Monday 3/7 at 10:00p
Email to:

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Vernal Eclipse: Auditions Update


The 12th Annual New Works Festival
Vernal Eclipse

Scripts will be published for reading by the end of the week (2/26/16). Audition packets with more detailed information will also be made available by the end of the week (2/26/16).

Understand that GPA is strongly considered when looking at potential actors for the production.  It is imperative that academics not suffer as a result of extra-curricular activities.   A GPA under 2.75 will require an explanation.

Everyone is encouraged to come out and audition regardless of grade, age, cultural background, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, or body type.  We embrace the spirit of diversity and welcome everyone to the process.

Mon. 3/14, 4p - 6p - sign up for a slot on auditorium door on 2/26
Except for reading the plays, there is nothing to prepare for this audition.  Part of the assessment will be your ability to handle whatever is thrown at you.  Your vocal technique, physical skills, improvisation, and openness to your fellow actors will be key.  This will be a group audition in small groupings. Dress in movement clothing and be prepared to work in bare feet.  A positive, supportive, and intensely focused demeanor is important. 

Tues. 3/15 4p - 6p and Wed. 3/16, 4p – 8p
The call back process will include readings from the scripts and additional investigation of acting skills and the ability to quickly take direction.

Wed. 3/16, by 11:00p via the blog.  
A post on the door will be available Thurs. 3/17 by 9a.  Note that first rehearsal is that day:  Thurs. 3/17 at 3:30p (mandatory).

By simply showing up, any actor auditioning for the show is saying, “I am excited to accept any role offered.”  No requests will be entertained regarding your role preference.   If you get cast and then refuse a role, it may greatly affect future casting at Lincoln Drama, so make your decision to audition wisely.