Saturday, February 27, 2016

Audition Packet / Conflicts

Though most of you have probably picked up the packet in hard copy from the auditorium door, please click HERE should you wish to download it.  It is critical that you and your guardian(s) read it thoroughly and that the final page - the audition form - be properly filled out and brought with you to generals - including a headshot!

The mandatory dates in the packet are just that:  mandatory.  Do not audition if you have conflicts during those dates.  Here they are:

Thursday 3/17:  3:30p - 6:00p

Friday 4/8:  10:00a - 6:00p (no school that day)

Saturday 4/16:  1:00p - 6:00p

All rehearsals / shows:  4/25 through 5/16

As for other conflicts, I will consider but not guarantee that I can accommodate. And you should note that conflicts play a major role in casting.  The more conflicts you have, the less likely you are to be cast.  For those in Vivace, I expect a compromise.  I will not let you out for every Vivace rehearsal if you are called, so please note that it will have to be negotiated.


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