Thursday, March 3, 2016

On the Subject of Conflicts...

A few more words on various potential conflicts...

April 8 - The Choir Trip
I am aware that some of the people who would like to audition would not be able to be at the mandatory rehearsal on Friday, April 8, due to an exciting choir trip.  May you still audition?  Yes, you may. But understand that the conflict will be taken into account when I make casting decisions. Those who have the fewest conflicts always get top priority in my initial casting filter.  Let me also note that if you have already committed to the choir trip, you should honor that commitment.  

Outdoor School
No actor may be absent for an entire week at any point in the process. This makes outdoor school nearly impossible to negotiate.  

April 30 - Prom
Currently tech rehearsals go until 10:00p on that day.  I will be looking at a way to stop earlier so as to allow people to attend prom. But understand that tech will happen on that day.  Likely, actors will now be called in at 11:00a, and we will end no earlier than 5:00p.  So realize that if you are attending prom, you will have a long day.  

In General
I am aware that it's frustrating to have to make choices.  But I also think there is great value in that.  It's not possible to do everything.  And I honor everyone's determination regarding their own priorities.  My policy on conflicts is in place to ensure the production process honors the talent and time of all the collaborators...and that it's as fair as possible.  New Works is a big commitment, and as always, I will try to remain clear on expectations.  

When I approach casting, I first look at all the conflicts on the audition forms.  Those who have the fewest conflicts instantly get moved into the preferential pile. That said, you must be honest and clear on your audition forms. Because if you are cast and then you begin to add various conflicts that were not on your form, it may jeopardize your involvement in the production.  I also urge you to be clear when listing conflicts.  If there is flexibility on your end, say that:

Wednesdays, voice lessons 4p - 5p (flexible)
Monday, April 11, out of town

If you have questions about anything, you may always email me at  

Though I have pretty strict policies, I do remain reasonable and understand you are all having to juggle many things!  I'm really excited to see all your talent at auditions on March 14!!!

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