Sunday, March 13, 2016

On the Eve of Auditions!...

Vernal Eclipse
Auditions Eve

Congratulations to everyone who worked on Grease!  I had a marvelous time at the show. 

I’m excited to dive right into New Works with auditions tomorrow.  We have a very healthy number of people auditioning, and as result, everyone needs to be extremely organized and efficient about the way things run - especially during generals.  Please read the following carefully to help you be the most prepared - and to help us all run things smoothly.  The better things run, the more accurately I can assess the incredible talent!

ONE:  Audition Numbers / Letters
The audition sign up sheet will go back on the door.  Please check your number or letter.  These numbers / letters will be used by me to assess you during the general.  Please clearly write this number / letter on the top right corner of your signed audition form.

TWO:  Arrival and Paperwork
Please arrive 10 minutes early to your audition time.  You will gather in the foyer.  A stage manager will then check you in.  You must give the SM your signed audition form / headshot.  The SM will hand you an adhesive name-tag with your number / letter on it.  You must wear this in a prominent place on your clothes during the audition.  The SM will then take you to the audition room.

THREE:  Clothing / Movement
Remember to wear movement-appropriate clothing.  You will be working barefoot.  No shoes.  No socks.  The audition is in the yoga room.  You will leave your shoes/socks outside the room.  When you come in, you will be prepared to work.  The movement audition is not about testing movement for the actual production.  It is about how well you work in an ensemble.  It will require you to connect with your peers, express yourself in abstract ways, and to tell a story without words. 

FOUR:  Voice / Text
There will also be a vocal/presentation audition as part of the general.  So be prepared to read a short section of text. 

FIVE:  What Am I Looking For?
YES”. That is what I’m looking for…the energy of the word “yes”.  Of course, I must cast an ensemble of actors who can successfully play these roles.  But equally as important is that I cast an ensemble that is open, willing, receptive, respectful, and kind.  In other words, both in professional and educational theatre, I choose to work with collaborators who are more open to saying “Yes, I’ll try that!” before they say “No, I hate that.”  Likewise, I remain open to saying “yes” to the exciting interpretations you will all bring to the table.  It’s not that I want everyone to agree and simply say “yes” as a matter of yielding to authority.  NOT AT ALL.  When I say “yes energy”, I mean that, as artists, we should resist the urge to put walls up as a first response…in fact, we should resist resistance.  Rather than think, “That’s weird…” consider thinking “How interesting, I’ll try that!”.  Rather than think, “This is scary, I’m out of here!” consider thinking, “This is scary, I should make myself try this!”  And last - come in with a sense of fun.  My hope is that no matter what happens in terms of your audition process, you have fun…that the audition process itself is both educational and exciting.

I can’t wait to see you all soon!


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