Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Vernal Eclipse: Final Callbacks Notice

Thanks for the terrific first day of callbacks - and you're all returning tomorrow!

Wednesday 3/16 2:00p - 6:00p
Katie Reahl
Emma Weightman
Ava Sweet
Harper Wilamoski
Sage Lingenfelter
Ryan Joiner
Olivia Fouser
Adie Fecker
India Houides
Chynna Shurts
Isabella Messer
Fiona Lett-Alagoz
Olivia Baker
Caroline Fenty
Sammy Martin
Kris Nine
Ben Pagano
Jared Knofczynski
Teis Jayaswal
Bilal Nasir
Alexandre Crepeaux
Tucker Litch
Andrew Sheiman
Barrett Kent
Ethan Childs
Noah Gladen-Kolarsky
Ben Adams
Clements Park
Bowen Hampton
Tristan Muresan
Alex Denman-Still

Be prepared to stay the entire time, but I will release people throughout the day. Come with both patience - and a sense of fun.  I look forward to it!

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