Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Vernal Eclipse: Casting Announcement

Bearing the Blaze
by Caroline Fenty

JEN - Katie Reahl
LIZ - Olivia Baker
CLAIRE - Emma Weightman
MAGGIE - Isabella Messer
KENZIE - Harper Wilamoski

by Alex Denman-Still

TILLMAN - Ben Adams
CARLETON - Kris Nine
TIERNEY - Teis Jayaswal
DANNY - Tucker Litch
PETER - Tristan Muresan

Warning Sign
by Alexandre Crepeaux

SASHA - Chynna Shurts
TAYCE - Ryan Joiner                                                     
LILLY - Caroline Fenty
EVERETT - Alex Denman-Still
ERICA - Olivia Fouser
DOLORES - India Houides
ZANE - Barrett Kent
TRISTAN - Ben Pagano

I want to congratulate everyone who auditioned for this show. It was, by far, one of the most competitive casting calls we’ve had in the 12 years of the festival. 

For those who did not get a role… I sincerely hope you will be involved in other ways.  We have exciting crew positions, marketing posts, and other ways to engage in the department during this exciting process.  And selfishly, I’d simply love the chance to work with as many of you as possible.  

And last - please do not give up on auditioning in the future.  I always fear that rejection leads to young actors losing faith.  Please be kind to yourselves.  Not everyone can get cast…it’s the cruel part of this process - but it’s not a statement about your talent.  So keep going after it. 

Thursday 3/17
3:30p - 6:00p
(failure to attend will result in losing your role)

Thanks for a wonderful week of auditions.  We are going to have a stellar production!!!

-Matthew B. Zrebski
Director / Dramaturg

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