Thursday, April 28, 2016

Street Clothes!


There will be intros and interludes as part of this production with minor text that introduces each play.  Most of the cast will be involved with this at some level.  This will be integrated on Sunday and Monday during the tech/dress.

You will need to wear street clothes for these moments.  And those can change night to night.  But there are some rules:  no logos or text, no flip flops, no extreme heels, no hats, no bare feet.

Also in preparation for this, keep in mind the following:

INTRODUCTION / Into Bearing the Blaze
This will feature the casts of Engine and Warning Sign (no Alex).  This means the actors in Engine will change into their costumes during Bearing the Blaze

INTERLUDE - into Engine
This will feature actors from Warning Sign


INTERLUDE - into Warning Sign
This will feature actors from Bearing the Blaze and Engine.

All actors in costumes from the actual plays. This means actors from Bearing the Blaze and Engine will have to change back into their costumes for curtain call.

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