Sunday, March 12, 2017

DVD Orders: Superstition

DVD orders AND payment are due: APRIL 7!!!

If you want to order a Superstition DVD, they are $15 each.  To place your order, we must have your payment in hand by then.  

Ways to Pay:
1.  Bring a check or cash to school and give it to Jim Peerenboom.
2.  Mail a check to Lincoln High School (ATTN:  Jim Peerenboom)
3.  Mail it to Kathy Weidenbaum at:
748 NW Macleay Blvd
Portland, OR  97210

Please write check to "Friends of Lincoln" with Lincoln Drama in the memo line.  

Friday, March 10, 2017

Post Show #2


We have another post-show discussion this evening, Friday, March 10, with the seven playwrights.  As we did last week, playwrights will quickly come up to the stage immediately after curtain call to engage with the audience and take their questions. 

If you are a parent or friend (or anyone!) who isn't seeing the show this evening, but would like to take part, you are more than welcome to come in at the end of the show - usually around 9:45p.

Looking forward to it!

Thursday, March 9, 2017


The soundtrack to Superstition will be up temporarily for download. Various students have expressed an interest.  Please be advised that the music is protected under copyright and should not be used except for private use.  For use in a public venue where the public is paying, please seek permission from me (Matthew B. Zrebski).

To download, go to each track of your choice and download individually.


Get Your Tickets!

Reports are showing a major slow down in ticket sales after what was an explosively successful weekend.  It would be fantastic for the department and the festival to continue the strong box office and go out with a bang.

Please remind people to purchase in advance and to do it now! What inevitably happens is people wait and then all want to come to the closing show - and we end up turning people away.  

Bottom line: push sales to family and friends.  Tonight, Thursday 3/9, has many seats available and would be a great opportunity for friends to come check it out.

Get out your phones and computers and blast social media with info!

This is the link:

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

URGENT: Mactop! stopped - for this afternoon...


Due to illness, we will be unable to run the pick-up rehearsal for Macstop! this evening.  This means all cast members for Macstop! (except Ava, of course) are released from the rehearsal today.  

However, this puts us in a rough spot.  We are filming tomorrow, Thursday, and really need to have a strong pick-up rehearsal.  Therefore, the call tomorrow is augmented as follows:

Macstop! Cast / All Crew Called
-Check Lights and Sound and prep for Macstop! (including the drop) - you will have only 30 minutes to do all this.  Work quickly and efficiently.
-Cast get dressed and ready.

Run Macstop! with full tech / notes

The rest of cast is called as per the original schedule.

GO Show #4 with videotaping

NOTE: Due to filming, the crew needs to have things re-set as early as possible, so that when the videographer arrives, the set up will be easy and free of distractions.

Monday, March 6, 2017

UPDATE: Pick Up Rehearsal 3/8

Wednesday 3/8
Full Cast and Crew
(no house manager required)
Call:  3:30p
Go:  4:00p
Release:  Staggered

This will be a full run of the show in costume, but no make-up/hair.  The idea is to brush off the dust and to get ready for not only continuing the high quality of opening weekend, but elevating the show further.  The goal should always be to improve with each run.  

You will be allowed to watch the act you are not in if you'd like.  You will also be allowed to leave once your play is finished (sorry, second act!). We will not do curtain call.  We will also shorten intermission, so I anticipate crew and The 13th Floor releasing no later than 6:30p.

On Thursday 3/9, I will give notes at 6:00p at the top of the call time.  

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Study Room!

Room 145 will be open through the end of the run for company members who need to work on homework or simply want a quiet space.  There is a lot of down time given the episodic structure of this show, so please take advantage of this so as to remain on top of your academic obligations.