Wednesday, March 8, 2017

URGENT: Mactop! stopped - for this afternoon...


Due to illness, we will be unable to run the pick-up rehearsal for Macstop! this evening.  This means all cast members for Macstop! (except Ava, of course) are released from the rehearsal today.  

However, this puts us in a rough spot.  We are filming tomorrow, Thursday, and really need to have a strong pick-up rehearsal.  Therefore, the call tomorrow is augmented as follows:

Macstop! Cast / All Crew Called
-Check Lights and Sound and prep for Macstop! (including the drop) - you will have only 30 minutes to do all this.  Work quickly and efficiently.
-Cast get dressed and ready.

Run Macstop! with full tech / notes

The rest of cast is called as per the original schedule.

GO Show #4 with videotaping

NOTE: Due to filming, the crew needs to have things re-set as early as possible, so that when the videographer arrives, the set up will be easy and free of distractions.

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