Friday, February 26, 2021

NW17 Schedule - Weeks 2 & 3

NW17 Schedule - Weeks 2 & 3 

Please read the below schedule carefully.  It's first listed by dates / times.  And then I have consolidated the schedule so you can see your calls by "piece" or "writing team".  I've tried hard to take into account all reported conflicts, but it's always possible I have missed something.  If you have a conflict with one of the below dates, please alert me immediately.  As always, you will meet via the same zoom link.

M 3/1 
5:00p – 5:30p 
Called: Aidan 

T 3/2 
7:00p – 7:30p 
Called: Zoe & Tucker 

7:30p – 8:00p 
Called: Jared 

8:00p – 8:30p 
Called: Natalia & Jackson H. 

W 3/3 
3:30p – 4:00p 
Called: Bella & Cordy 

4:00p – 4:30p 
Called: Amelia & Emily 

4:30p – 5:00p 
Called: Claire 

5:00p – 5:30p 
Called: Juliet & Sydney 

TH 3/4 
7:00p – 7:30p 
Called: Mak 

7:30p – 8:00p 
Called: Iban & Henry 

8:00p – 8:30p 
Called: Niku & Keeli 

F 3/5 
6:00p – 6:30p 
Called: Josh & Jackson J. 

6:30p – 7:00p 
Called: Natalia & Allison 

7:00p – 7:30p 
Called: Jared 

7:30p – 8:00p 
Called: Aidan 
SA 3/6 
1:00p – 1:30p 
Called: Natalia & Jackson H. 

1:30p – 2:00p 
Called: Claire 

M 3/8 
3:30p – 4:00p 
Called: Zoe & Tucker 

4:00p – 4:30p 
Called: Josh & Jackson J. 

4:30p – 5:00p
Called: Natalia & Allison 

5:00p – 5:30p 
Called: Bella & Cordy 

T 3/9 
7:00p – 7:30p 
Called: Amelia & Emily 

7:30p – 8:00p 
Called: Iban & Henry 

8:00p – 8:30p 
Called: Juliet & Sydney 

W 3/10 
3:30p – 4:00p 
Called: Niku & Keeli 

4:00p – 4:30p 
Called: Claire 

4:30p – 5:00p 
Called: Mak 

5:00p – 5:30p 
Called: Aidan 

TH 3/11 
7:00p – 7:30p 
Called: Natalia & Jackson H. 

7:30p – 8:00p 
Called: Bella & Cordy 

8:00p – 8:30p 
Called: Amelia & Emily 

F 3/12 
6:00p – 6:30p 
Called: Natalia & Allison 

6:30p – 7:00p 
Called: Zoe & Tucker 

7:00p – 7:30p 
Called: Jared 

7:30p – 8:00p 
Called: Juliet & Sydney 

SA 3/13 
1:00p – 1:30p 
Called: Mak 

1:30p – 2:00p 
Called: Josh & Jackson J. 

2:00p – 2:30p 
Called: Niku & Keeli 

2:30p – 3:00p 
Called: Iban & Henry 

Schedule by Pieces / Writing Teams 

M 3/1: 5:00p – 5:30p 
F 3/5: 7:30p – 8:00p 
W 3/10: 5:00p – 5:30p 

Iban & Henry 
TH 3/4: 7:30p – 8:00p 
T 3/9: 7:30p – 8:00p 
SA 3/13: 2:30p – 3:00p 

T 3/2: 7:30p – 8:00p 
F 3/5: 7:00p – 7:30p 
F 3/12: 7:00p – 7:30p 

Josh & Jackson J. 
F 3/5: 6:00p – 6:30p 
M 3/8: 4:00p – 4:30p 
SA 3/13: 1:30p – 2:00p 

TH 3/4: 7:00p – 7:30p 
W 3/10: 4:30p – 5:00p 
SA 3/13: 1:00p – 1:30p 

Amelia & Emily 
W 3/3: 4:00p – 4:30p 
T 3/9: 7:00p – 7:30p 
TH 3/11: 8:00p – 8:30p 

Bella & Cordy 
W 3/3: 3:30p – 4:00p 
M 3/8: 5:00p – 5:30p 
TH 3/11: 7:30p – 8:00p 

W 3/3: 4:30p – 5:00p 
SA 3/6: 1:30p – 2:00p 
W 3/10: 4:00p – 4:30p

Juliet & Sydney 
W 3/3: 5:00p – 5:30p 
T 3/9: 8:00p – 8:30p 
F 3/12: 7:30p – 8:00p 

Natalia & Jackson H. 
M 3/1: 8:00p – 8:30p
SA 3/6: 1:00p – 1:30p 
TH 3/11: 7:00p – 7:30p 

Natalia & Allison 
F 3/5: 6:30p – 7:00p 
M 3/8: 4:30p – 5:00p
F 3/12: 6:00p – 6:30p 

Niku & Keeli 
TH 3/4: 8:00p – 8:30p 
W 3/10: 3:30p – 4:00p 
SA 3/13: 2:00p – 2:30p 

Zoe & Tucker
T 3/2: 7:00p – 7:30p
M 3/8: 3:30p – 4:00p 
F 3/12: 6:30p – 7:00p

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

NW17 Schedule - Week 1 (remainder)

NW17 Schedule - Week 1 (remainder) 
Individual Writer / Dramaturg Meetings

Writers, remember to come in with:
1. a song that represents a "feel" for your piece 
2. 1-3 images that represent a "feel" for your piece
3. a revised summary of the plot along with your title

W 2/24 
4:00p - Bella 
4:30p - Juliet 
5:00p - Mak 

TH 2/25 
7:00p - Jared 
7:30p - Claire 
8:00p - Zoe 

F 2/26 
6:00p - Niku 
6:30p - Iban 
7:00p - Amelia 
7:30p - Josh 

SA 2/27 
1:00p - Natalia 
2:00p - Aidan

NW17 - Poster Graphics Anyone?

Hey all,

What will the poster look like?  T-Shirt?

We will quickly be launching the graphics design process for the show.  Before we look for outside professional designers, we want to first see if anyone within our New Works Company would be interested in collaborating with me on this.  If so, you should already have a strong knowledge of software (e.g., Photoshop, etc.) that will achieve our goals...

Please email to let me know if you'd like to take on this project!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

NW17 Schedule - Week 1 (partial)

NW17 Schedule - Week 1 (partial)

M 2/22 
4:00p - 4:45p
Called: Full Company
Agenda: Orientation

4:45p - 5:30p
Called: Production Management Team
Agenda:  Duties

PARENT MEETING (see previous blog posts)

T 2/23
7:00p - 8:30p
Called:  Writing Team
Agenda:  Timelines and Process

For W 2/24 - SA 2/27, specific writers will be called for individual work sessions.  This will be determined as soon as all conflicts are in.

NOTE:  After the Full Company Meeting, the Acting Ensemble will not be called again until Week 2.  

NOTE:  If you cannot make the above scheduled M 2/22 or T 2/23 meetings due to conflicts, do not worry, but please email immediately to let me know.

NOTE:  You have all received an email with the Zoom info for all meetings and rehearsals.

NW17 - URGENT (Conflicts???)


Below are the general windows for meetings and/or writer meetings for NW17. 

2/22 – 4/10 (no rehearsals 3/21 – 3/28): 
M: 3:30p – 5:30p 
T: 7:00p – 8:30p 
W: 3:30p – 5:30p 
TH: 7:00p – 8:30p 
F: 6:00p – 8:00p 
SA: 1:00p – 3:00p 

SA 4/10 – SU 4/25: To Be Determined* 
*Weekdays would always be between 3:30p – 10:00p 
*Weekends would always be between 10:00a – 10:00p 

Please email and note any conflicts you have during any of the windows. Obviously, some things may change and unexpected issues come up, but this will be a good start. 

Please be clear, only listing the times you cannot be present - and make a clean list. 

My only conflicts are: 
T 3/1 5:00p – 5:30p 
All Saturdays 1:00p – 2:00p 
SU 4/25 10:00a – 1:30p 

Please send no later than T 2/23 at 12:00p!

New Works - New Contact Email

As the New Works Festival has entered into an association with Playwrights West and the Teen West Project, the email contact has changed.

Going forward, to reach Matt Zrebski regarding New Works issues and info:

REMINDER: Parent Meeting Tomorrow!



Parents of cast members, writers, and crew - please join us for an informational meeting about the process, logistics, and a Q&A about this exciting venture!

WHAT:  Parent Meeting for New Works 17

WHEN: Monday 2/22 at 6:00p 


MEETING ID: 834 6789 8387


Saturday, February 20, 2021

NW17 - Company Announcement

Lincoln High School Drama

in association with

Teen West Project



The 17th Annual New Works Festival



The Writing Team

Aidan Kent

Amelia Schafer

Bella Bravo

Claire Richards

Iban Tolba

Jared Reynolds

Josh Fravel

Juliet Malecha

Mak Johnson

Natalia Bermudez

Niku Edlund-Farsad

Zoe Bowman


The Acting Ensemble

Aidan Kent

Allison Khalil

Claire Richards

Cordy Rouffy

Emily Renison

Henry Alexander

Jared Reynolds

Jackson Hanf

Jackson Jennings

Keeli Guilfoyle

Mak Johnson

Sydney Sallman

Tucker Bowerfind


The Production Management Team

Audrey Montgomery Gardes

Bella Bravo

Gabrielle Donaldson


NOTE:  The design and film crew/editing needs have yet to be determined.  Many of you expressed interest in these areas.  We will be making requests for assistance as things become clearer.


Writer / Actor Pairings

Aidan Kent / Aidan Kent


Iban Tolba / Henry Alexander


Jared Reynolds / Jared Reynolds


Josh Fravel / Jackson Jennings


Mak Johnson / Mak Johnson


Amelia Shafer / Emily Renison


Bella Bravo / Cordy Rouffy


Claire Richards / Claire Richards


Juliet Malecha / Sydney Sallman


Natalia Bermudez / Jackson Hanf


Natalia Bermudez / Allison Khalil


Niku Edlund-Farsad / Keeli Guilfoyle


Zoe Bowman / Tucker Bowerfind



There is a parent meeting this Monday 2/22 at 6:00p to discuss the production, our needs, and to allow for a Q&A.  


WHAT:  Parent Meeting for New Works 17

WHEN: Monday 2/22 at 6:00p 


MEETING ID: 834 6789 8387


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

NW17 - Power/Internet Outages & Auditions

We begin the auditions / interview process tomorrow, W 2/17.  This will go on as scheduled.


If you are dealing with a power / internet outage issue, please do not stress.  We will work it out as needed.  If at all possible, please contact me to let me know you cannot make your appointment due to outages, and we can reschedule.  If texting is the only way to reach me, you can text 503 577-8805 to let me know. Otherwise, please email

It is critical that you not use this as "an excuse" to buy more time for your audition / appointment.  If we get too off schedule, it throws everything, so please be honest and only ask for a reschedule is absolutely necessary.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

NW17 - Check for Audition / Interview Emails!

At this time, if you submitted an Intent Form, you have been emailed directly to inform you of your audition / interview time along with  instructions.  

If you have not received an email, it's because I did not get your Intent Form.  Please email immediately, if you think there has been an error.  Otherwise, I'll see you all next week!

As always, you can contact me at:

Sunday, February 7, 2021

NW17 - Intent Deadline Looming!


If you are interested in writing for, acting in, or participating in any way in the 17th Annual New Works Festival, the deadline to send the Intent Form is:

M 2/8 at 5:00p

CLICK HERE if you have not already downloaded!