Sunday, February 21, 2021

NW17 Schedule - Week 1 (partial)

NW17 Schedule - Week 1 (partial)

M 2/22 
4:00p - 4:45p
Called: Full Company
Agenda: Orientation

4:45p - 5:30p
Called: Production Management Team
Agenda:  Duties

PARENT MEETING (see previous blog posts)

T 2/23
7:00p - 8:30p
Called:  Writing Team
Agenda:  Timelines and Process

For W 2/24 - SA 2/27, specific writers will be called for individual work sessions.  This will be determined as soon as all conflicts are in.

NOTE:  After the Full Company Meeting, the Acting Ensemble will not be called again until Week 2.  

NOTE:  If you cannot make the above scheduled M 2/22 or T 2/23 meetings due to conflicts, do not worry, but please email immediately to let me know.

NOTE:  You have all received an email with the Zoom info for all meetings and rehearsals.

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