Monday, April 12, 2021

NW17 - Schedule Week 8 - FILMING

Please read the below info very carefully. There are likely lots of questions about props / costumes, which is totally understandable. Make sure you are communicating with the PM Team so as to figure out what your needs are. For general "look" approval of costume and make-up, this will be addressed in your rehearsals and/or via email.

Week 8 - Final Week

M 4/19
3:50p - 4:10p

4:10p - 4:30p

4:30p - 4:50p

4:50p - 5:10p

5:10p - 5:30p
Jackson J

6:00p - 6:20p
Jackson H

6:20p - 6:40p

6:40p - 7:00p

7:00p - 7:20p

7:20p - 7:30p

7:30p - 7:50p

7:50p - 8:10p

8:10p - 8:30p

T 4/20
7:00p - 10:00p
MZ On Call for Actors who want / need a final session before filming.  
Request a session via email.

W 4/21 - SA 4/23
Within this window, all actors are filming their pieces at home.  Note the guidelines and deadline.

Each actor is responsible for filming their own piece between 4/21 and 4/24. You may certainly have someone help you - totally up to you.

The camera is to be stationary and not hand held. Use a tripod or stand of some sort to ensure that the shots are still. No zooming.

Use the highest quality camera you have - HD all the way!

If using a phone, make sure you are filming in landscape.  

You will provide 3 video files. Each file must be a complete take of the piece, unedited. Each file is from a different angle.

Angle 1 - Straight On (Master)
Angle 2 - From Right Angle (meaning the right side of your face will be more prominent)
Angle 3 - From Left Angle (meaning the left side of your face will be more prominent)

When framing your shot, you want the tightest possible frame that will accommodate all of your actions.  

You may film as many times as you want during the filming window. You can do 100 takes for all I care - but then you choose the 3 to send me.  

Be very careful that lighting is the same for all takes. And that you are consistent in the use of props and placement so that there are no continuity errors when going from one angle to another. We don't want this, for example: We cut to Angle 2 and your sleeve is now suddenly rolled up, the cup is on the opposite side, and sunlight can be seen through the window when in Angle 1, it's clearly night.

These 3 takes will be edited together by both a professional editor and me.  

All files must be sent to me no later than SA 4/24 at 10:00p. But please, please, please...if you can, get them in earlier. Start this process immediately if at all possible.  

Use Drive can use 

Please reach out with any questions - I'll try to address them expeditiously.  

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