Tuesday, October 12, 2021

NW18 - Auditions for After School Actors


For those not in the IB/Intermediate Class* who wish to audition for NW18, here are the details!

Auditions will be held TH 10/21 from 4:00p - 5:30p

Auditions will consist of readings from the script, The One-Armed Golden Man by Josh Fravel. This is the play for which you are auditioning. There are 4 roles, with the potential for a small expansion. The script may be found HERE. Please note that this is the "audition draft" and will undergo changes as the process moves forward. The audition may also consist of some movement work, so dress comfortably.

Actors in this after school portion of the show must be available:
10/26 - 11/16; T/TH from 4:00p - 5:30p (rehearsals)
11/18 - 11/19; 4:00p - 6:30p (full company rehearsals)
12/1 - 12/3; 4:00p - 7:30p (tech)
12/6 - 12/7; 5:30p - 9:30p (dress)
12/8 - 12/11; 5:30p - 9:30p (performances)

Few if any conflicts will be accepted. You may always ask, but given the short amount of prep time for this production, this must be your #1 extracurricular priority.

You may actually audition for the after school portion of the show even if you are already in the IB/Intermediate class. BUT...casting priority will be given to those who can only participate after school.

If you wish you sign up to audition, you must do so via email to Matt Zrebski. Do this ASAP - and include any questions. He will return your email with an audition form that you'll need to have ready to turn in at auditions on 10/21.  Email him at: teen.west.project@gmail.com

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