Sunday, December 4, 2022

NW19 - Pick Up Rehearsal

W 12/7 

3:45p - get into costume
4:15p - run
5:45p - notes / pictures
6:30p - out of costume
7:00p - release

Congrats on a great first week of shows. You should all be so proud!

Saturday, November 19, 2022

NW19 - TECH DAY TWO CALLS (11/20/22)

SUNDAY 11/20/22

Called: ONE / TWO

Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR


Dinner Break


Thursday, November 3, 2022

NW19 - Rehearsals Weeks 4 - 5 - TECH


M 11/7
3:45p - 7:30p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Part 5 Devising

T 11/8
3:45p - 4:15p
Called: ONE
Agenda: Work Part 1

4:15p - 5:30p
Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR
Agenda: Work Part 3

W 11/9
3:45p - 6:15p
Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR / 
Agenda: Work Part 4

6:15p - 7:30p
Called: ONE / TWO
Agenda: Work Part 2

TH 11/10
3:45p - 6:30p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Part 5 Work / Devising

6:30p - 7:30p
Called: ONE
Agenda: Work Part 1

M 11/14
3:45p - 5:00p
Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR
Agenda: Run / Work Part 3

T 11/15
3:45p - 6:00p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Run / Work Part 5

6:00p - 8:00p
Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR / 
Agenda: Run / Work Part 4

W 11/16
3:45p - 4:45p
Called: ONE / TWO
Agenda: Run / Work Parts 1 & 2

4:45p - 6:30p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Stumble Through Run / Notes

TH 11/17
3:45p - 6:30p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Run / Notes / Work

F 11/18

SA 11/19
11:00a - 8:00p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Tech

SU 11/20
11:00a - 8:00p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Tech

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

NW19 - Rehearsals Weeks 2-3

Times Two

Rehearsals Week 2

M 10/24
3:45p - 5:00p
Called:  ONE / TWO
Agenda: Part 2 Staging

5:00p - 7:00p
Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR
Agenda: Part 3 Staging

T 10/25
3:45p - 6:00p
Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR
Agenda: Part 4 Work / Staging

6:00p - 7:00p
Called:  ONE
Agenda: Part 1 Staging

W 10/26
3:45p - 7:00p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Part 5 Devising

Rehearsals Week 3

T 11/1
3:45p - 5:00p
Called:  ONE / TWO
Agenda: Part 2 Work Through

5:00p - 6:30p
Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR
Agenda: Part 3 Work Through

6:30p - 7:30p
Called: ONE
Agenda: Part 1 Work Through

W 11/2
3:45p - 5:45p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Part 5 Devising

5:45p - 7:30p
Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR
Agenda: Part 4 Work Through

TH 11/3
3:45p - 4:30p
Called: ONE
Agenda: Part 1 Work Through

4:30p - 5:30p
Called: ONE / TWO
Agenda: Part 2 Work Through

5:30p - 7:00p
Agenda: Part 5 Devising

Saturday, October 15, 2022

NW19 - Rehearsals Week 1

Here is the rehearsal schedule for WEEK 1. I need to get through this week to assess the needs of the show, and then I can schedule 2 weeks at a time.

Please show up a little early so we're ready to start on time.

Please alert a member of the stage management team and/or email me should you be ill.

Looking forward to getting started.

NOTE: An error was made, and I was not given the majority of your conflict sheets for the first week. I am not certain who had conflicts on F 10/21. Please email me if you cannot make that rehearsal - or need to leave early or arrive late.

Times Two
Rehearsals Week 1

M 10/17
3:45p - 4:45p
Called:  ONE / TWO
Agenda: Part 2 Work

T 10/18
3:45p - 4:45p
Called: ONE
Agenda: Part 1 Work

W 10/19
3:45p - 4:45p
Called: ONE / TWO / THREE / FOUR
Agenda: Part 3 Work

TH 10/20 - OFF

F 10/21
3:45p - 5:45p
Called: Full Cast
Agenda: Begin Devised Work

Thursday, October 13, 2022

NW19 Cast Announcement

Times Two
~the acting ensemble~

Camilla Correani

Jackson Hanf

Mathilda Schmidt

Savanna Kenney

Allison Khalil

Fraser Barnes

Niku Edlund-Farsad

Gemma Pendergast

Ryder Larson

Sydney Jordan

Ainsley Brown

Kirin Cowell-Shah

Lucy Holland

August Lewis

Ava Rathi

Emilia Cafiso

Thank you to all who auditioned. I can honestly say, this was one of the strongest groups I've seen come out for New Works. The department is so rich with talent. For those who did not get cast, I know how disappointing this moment may be for you. Please do not take it as a judgment of your talent. Every single person who auditioned displayed great talent. And I feel genuinely lucky to have had the chance to work with you these past days. Sometimes, it doesn't work out, but I urge you to keep following your passions; there are always more opportunities out there. 

For those cast, I'll see you at first rehearsal shortly:
TH 10/13 3:45p - 5:30p

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

NW19 Final Callbacks W 10/12

The following actors are called back for more auditions on W 10/12 from 3:45p - 5:30p:

Jackson Hanf

Ryder Larson

Allison Khalil

Niku Edlund-Farsad

Mathilda Schmidt

Gemma Pendergast

Sydney Jordan

Ainsley Brown

Lucy Holland

Fraser Barnes

Savanna Kenney

Camilla Correani

Kirin Cowell-Shah

If you are not called back, it DOES NOT mean you are not being considered. There has been no "cut". This final callback is to keep investigating options. 

Thanks for all the hard, dedicated, and enthusiastic work during this audition process so far!

Saturday, October 8, 2022

NW19 - Part 4 Available

As previously stated, please have read all parts prior to auditions! And remember that these are all drafts - not final. Changes will occur throughout the process.

Congrats to the talented playwrights for having finished all of their drafts ahead of schedule!

Click HERE for Part 4.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

NW19 - Part 3 Available

The working draft of Part 3 is now available. And! - It is highly likely that at least an excerpt of Part 4 will be available by this weekend. The writers are working hard and ahead of schedule!  No surprise - they're awesome. 

It is expected that all actors auditioning will have read all drafts / excerpts (that have been made available) prior to auditions.

Get Part 3 HERE

Sunday, October 2, 2022

NW19 - Date Error on Audition Packet

There was a typo on the Audition Packet issued yesterday, 10/1/22. 

On one page, it listed FIRST MEETING as 10/3 instead of the correct date, which is 10/13.

The packet HERE has been corrected.


Saturday, October 1, 2022


The 19th Annual New Works Festival
Times Two

featuring plays by
Amelia Schafer
Erin Dornan
Alyssia Menezes

directed by Matthew B. Zrebski

Monday 10/10 3:45p - 5:30p

Tuesday 10/11 3:45p - 5:30p
Wednesday 10/12 3:45p - 5:30p

Thursday 10/13 3:45p - 5:30p

Please click HERE to download the Audition Packet. Please do not rush through the packet. There is a lot of information that students and their guardians need to thoroughly read. Follow the directions VERY CAREFULLY!

Please click HERE to download the rough drafts of Parts 1 and 2 of the production. Please note these are drafts, not final scripts - rewrites will occur throughout the process. Part 3 will be made available by the end of 10/8. All actors are expected to be familiar with the rough drafts of Parts 1, 2, and 3 by auditions.

As always, email me at if you have questions or need clarification.

Friday, September 16, 2022

NW19: Writer Announcement and Festival Adjustments

The format of the festival will be slightly different than previously announced. But the concept is the same.

A lone teenager, named 1, awakes in an empty, blank room…a canvass on which to paint their life… Before they know it, their consciousness begins to double – over and over…until the room is flooded with the many facets of human nature…

Part 1 (10 minutes)
by Amelia Schafer

Part 2 (15 minutes)
by Erin Dornan

Part 3 (15 minutes)
by Alyssia Menezes
CHARACTERS - 1, 2, 3, 4

Part 4 (20 minutes)
by Amelia Schafer
CHARACTERS - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Part 5 (15 minutes)
Devised - with the playwrights input
CHARACTERS - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

In addition, the audition dates have been changed.  They are now:
October 10, 11, 12 from 3:45p - 5:30p

Audition Packets and excerpts from the drafts in progress will be published on October 3.

As always, feel free to reach out if you have inquiries:

Monday, September 12, 2022

NW19 Writer Selection Delay

We are in an unfortunate situation.

There were fewer writer applications this season than in the entire history of the New Works Festival. There were not enough applicants to even fulfill the concept of the show. As a result, a reassessment of the show needs to take place - as does the process for selecting the writers.

To the writers who applied, you will be notified as a soon as we can about about what is happening. 

To be clear, we will not re-open the application process. The writers who applied did so with integrity and care - honored the deadlines - and we will not, out of "need", extend the opportunity to anyone else.

That said, we will also not simply select all who applied, given the small numbers. We are looking at many options for how to move forward with the festival.

Please check this blog daily for updates.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022



The applications are due on SA 9/10 at 10:00a

All are encouraged to apply, regardless of experience.

It is important to have a collaborative spirit and embrace the chance to work with other playwrights on this project given the process and concept.

I can't wait to see what is submitted!!!

As always - feel free to email with any and all questions / concerns. No question is "too small", "dumb", "unnecessary". The channels of communication are open if you need me for anything!


Click HERE to download the app. You may also email me directly, and I can send it to you in an attachment. You may also see Ms. Talerico for a hard copy if you prefer that.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

New Works 19 LAUNCH!

Lincoln High School Drama
in association with
Playwrights West

The 19th Annual New Works Festival
Times Two
written by Lincoln High School Students
directed by Matthew B. Zrebski
December 1 - 3; 8-10
Black Box Theatre

The Lincoln Drama New Works Festival enters its 19th year and in a brand new facility! This annual production always offers a unique opportunity for young writers to pen plays about teenaged themes with all teenaged characters to be played by teenaged performers. Emphasis is placed on highly theatrical scenarios and style so as to separate theatre from other media like film and television. There is also the allowance for mature content and bold exploration of difficult subject matter in order to allow a responsible dialogue to take place amongst the young artists with the guidance of responsible adults. In this way, theatre transcends entertainment and provokes important conversations within the community of Lincoln students, their families, their teachers, and friends. It is one of the only festivals of its kind in the entire country and remains a highlight of the Lincoln Drama Theatre Season. 

In this season’s festival, five playwrights investigate: when stripped of identity, how does one consider their full capacity…to promote joy, to cause sorrow, to commit atrocities, to heal, to be many things, to be nothing… What lies within each of us? What is nature? What is nurture? Where is cause? What is the effect? 

A lone teenager, named 1, awakes in an empty, blank room…a canvass on which to paint their life… Before they know it, their consciousness begins to double – over and over…until the room is flooded with the many facets of human nature…

The festival will feature 16 roles. Many of them will be written to be played by an actor of any gender. The conceit of the show is that with each new play (“part”), the cast doubles in size, with the characters from the previous play continuing on (with the same actors) to the next. The roles are all “numbers”. The character breakdown is, therefore, like this. 

Part 1 (approx. 10 minutes) 

Part 2 (approx. 10 minutes) 
1, 2 

Part 3 (approx. 15 minutes) 
1, 2, 3, 4 

Part 4 (approx. 15 minutes) 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 

Part 5 (approx. 25 minutes) 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 

The plays will be written in order, with each playwright delivering their “part” to the next playwright. That playwright must work to continue the characters’ journeys while introducing the new characters. 

The style of the piece is full surrealism. The tone may alternate wildly between comedy, tragedy, suspense, romance, etc… The writing process will be fast paced. Two of the pieces won’t even be completed until after rehearsals begin. Rewrites will occur throughout the entire process.

General Information for Interested Writers
-Writer Applications will be available 8/31
-They will be due on SA 9/10 at 10:00a
-Writers may also audition

General Information or Actors
-Auditions are 10/3, 10/4, 10/5
-Audition packets will be available 9/26
-IMPORTANT!!! - Note that tech rehearsals for this production are the weekend prior to Thanksgiving Week. Some families choose to leave the weekend before Thanksgiving for travel. Unfortunately, any student in this situation will not be considered for the show - as either an actor or technician. The entire company is required to be present on SA 11/19 and SU 11/20. The show then takes a week off from 11/21 - 11/27 and resumes with Dress Rehearsals on 11/28.

Information about Stage Management and other Tech positions will be coming within the next two weeks.

If there are any questions, you may always reach me at: