Monday, September 12, 2022

NW19 Writer Selection Delay

We are in an unfortunate situation.

There were fewer writer applications this season than in the entire history of the New Works Festival. There were not enough applicants to even fulfill the concept of the show. As a result, a reassessment of the show needs to take place - as does the process for selecting the writers.

To the writers who applied, you will be notified as a soon as we can about about what is happening. 

To be clear, we will not re-open the application process. The writers who applied did so with integrity and care - honored the deadlines - and we will not, out of "need", extend the opportunity to anyone else.

That said, we will also not simply select all who applied, given the small numbers. We are looking at many options for how to move forward with the festival.

Please check this blog daily for updates.

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