Sunday, May 15, 2016

New Works 13 Writer Applications

Writer Applications Available

Application Deadline is 6/6/16, so don’t delay!

The official theme for New Works 13 will be announced at the Abe Awards on June 3.  All applicants are asked to keep the theme and logistics secret.  Should the information leak and it be traced back to a specific applicant, that applicant will be disqualified from writing, casting and crew for New Works 13.

For an application, email a request to:

Friday, May 13, 2016

Closing Night Party Details

Cast and crew of Vernal Eclipse!

An all-night party to wrap up the Vernal Eclipse production.  We will have food available at the party (no alcohol!), and provide breakfast the next morning.  No obligation to stay overnight, but we will be providing parental supervision the entire night (though notably we had not a bit of trouble the last time--everyone was extremely well behaved!). 

The Litch Home
2751 NW Westover Rd*
PDX 97201 
(*please note, if you came to our house last spring for the cast party, we have since moved...closer to Lincoln, whoop whoop!)

Immediately following the post show celebration on Saturday night.  Pick up around 8am Sunday Morning.

Sleeping bag, pillow, swimsuit & towel if they want to go in the jacuzzi

Aimee Litch cell: 503-706-0187
Erich Litch cell 503-860-5953
Home number 503-203-0187

Thursday, May 12, 2016

TODAY 5/12: Full Company in Auditorium at 6:00p Sharp

A few days ago, this was posted regarding the pick up rehearsal:

I will not be present.  Marjorie and Lydia will run this rehearsal.  My expectation is that you treat this professionally and take advantage of the opportunity to brush up before closing weekend, so that the show leaps forward and does not fall backward!  I will get a full report on how things went.

I'd like each of you in this company to consider this statement, and then I want you to ask yourself if you honored this directive - if you displayed professionalism and integrity throughout the rehearsal - and if you believe you engaged in the process in a manner that truly helped our production move forward.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts at 6:00p today at a full company meeting in the auditorium.  


Monday, May 9, 2016


Due to a change in the filming schedule of the show, the schedule for Wednesday 5/11 has changed.  Please note the following:

Wednesday 5/11
3:45p CALL
4:00p GO
Released when finished (around 6p)

You WILL NOT be in costume, except for footwear.  All shoes (bare feet) must remain accurate.  The run will be a speed through.  Dances and all fight choreography will be at accurate tempos.  You will have sound and lights.  A speed through does not mean mumbling through.  It simply means attacking the beats with energy.

I will not be present.  Marjorie and Lydia will run this rehearsal.  My expectation is that you treat this professionally and take advantage of the opportunity to brush up before closing weekend, so that the show leaps forward and does not fall backward!  I will get a full report on how things went.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Ticket Sales and Closing Weekend!

Hey all!

First - what a truly marvelous opening weekend we had.  I am so proud of the work.  The show came together beautifully, and the show grew night to night; you have all displayed a huge amount of integrity - and that is the #1 goal.  CONGRATS!!!

Second - Ticket Sales!  Truth be told, they were a bit disappointing.  With this number of students and families involved in the show - it's hard to understand how we can't get to 96 patrons each night.  But what's more concerning is that, perhaps, people have all waited to see the show until closing weekend. And this always results in chaos at the box office as we have to turn people away.  

For every single person you know who wants to see the show, urge them to purchase their tickets online NOW.  Do not wait.  For families wanting to make sure they have tickets for any of the three remaining shows, purchase your tickets online NOW.  Do not wait.   Wouldn't it be awesome to simply sell out in advance?

I hope you have a good few days off!


Monday, May 2, 2016

AGENDA: 5-2-16

V e r n a l   E c l i p s e
Monday 5/2/16
Tech / Dress
4:00p - 10:30p

Detailed Rehearsal Break Down

4:00p - 4:45p
-Crew to assist with lighting adjustments above the stage.  Crew to check in with actors to ensure all costume and make-up supplies are in the dressing rooms and ready to go.  Crew to check every prop to make sure it’s ready.  Crew to clean and sweep all areas backstage.

-Actors run lines for all the interludes.  Run difficult line sequences with your scene partners.  Kris, Teis, Tristan, Tucker - go over new costumes and plan backstage changes.

4:45p - 5:15p
Work Prologue and Bearing the Blaze

5:15p - 5:45p
Work Interlude and Engine

5:45p - 6:00p

6:00p - 6:15p
Crew change over to Warning Sign

6:15p - 6:45p
Work Interlude and Warning Sign

6:45p - 7:00p
Stage Curtain Call

7:00p - 7:30p
Prep for Dress #2

Dress #2 GO

Notes and Break Down
