Sunday, May 8, 2016

Ticket Sales and Closing Weekend!

Hey all!

First - what a truly marvelous opening weekend we had.  I am so proud of the work.  The show came together beautifully, and the show grew night to night; you have all displayed a huge amount of integrity - and that is the #1 goal.  CONGRATS!!!

Second - Ticket Sales!  Truth be told, they were a bit disappointing.  With this number of students and families involved in the show - it's hard to understand how we can't get to 96 patrons each night.  But what's more concerning is that, perhaps, people have all waited to see the show until closing weekend. And this always results in chaos at the box office as we have to turn people away.  

For every single person you know who wants to see the show, urge them to purchase their tickets online NOW.  Do not wait.  For families wanting to make sure they have tickets for any of the three remaining shows, purchase your tickets online NOW.  Do not wait.   Wouldn't it be awesome to simply sell out in advance?

I hope you have a good few days off!


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