Thursday, May 12, 2016

TODAY 5/12: Full Company in Auditorium at 6:00p Sharp

A few days ago, this was posted regarding the pick up rehearsal:

I will not be present.  Marjorie and Lydia will run this rehearsal.  My expectation is that you treat this professionally and take advantage of the opportunity to brush up before closing weekend, so that the show leaps forward and does not fall backward!  I will get a full report on how things went.

I'd like each of you in this company to consider this statement, and then I want you to ask yourself if you honored this directive - if you displayed professionalism and integrity throughout the rehearsal - and if you believe you engaged in the process in a manner that truly helped our production move forward.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts at 6:00p today at a full company meeting in the auditorium.  


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