Wednesday, June 8, 2016

NW13 Playwriting Finalists

I wish to thank the 22 students who put so much effort into these applications and writing samples.  It was a truly impressive group.  I hope everyone continues to write!

I am excited to announce that the finalists are (in no particular order):

Alex Denman-Still  
Ben Pagano
Bilal Nasir
Emma Weightman
Jared Knofczynski
Katie Reahl
Lydia Fecker
Olivia Fouser
Rory Hays
Sammy Martin
Teis Jayaswal
Bowen Hampton

These writers will be contacted by email to set up phone interviews to occur prior to 5:00p on June 13.  From these finalists, the seven will be selected.

I know it can be extremely disappointing to not make this initial list. Please do not take this as an indication of your talent.  There was not a single "weak" application in this pool.  Keep going in your pursuits!!!

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