Wednesday, February 20, 2019


NW15:  Train of Thought
Want to stage manage? 

Please send me an email explaining why you think you are right and ready for the job!  I am looking for:

1 Lead Stage Manger
2 Assistant Stage Managers

Please only apply if you are interested in all the jobs. I’m not interested in an applicant who would “only want lead” or “only want assistant”. The jobs are similar and require strong levels of commitment.  

Do not apply until you have looked at the calendar and determined you can fully commit. Do know that I allow the SM and ASMs to take days off. Part of having a 3 person team is to better allow for school/show/life balance. That said, it is still a large time commitment.

Once I receive emails and consult with Mr. Peerenboom, I will either ask for phone interviews or make offers outright. 


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