Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The April 8 Issue!

It was brought to my attention after I published mandatory dates that the choir is going to be on a trip through April 8 - and will not be returning until that evening. Students have already paid for the trip. It is certainly not fair to then mandate April 8 for those students as they had no way of knowing they'd have to choose between two school sanctioned activities.  

That said, April 8 is a really important date. We will have been off for nearly 3 weeks at that point, having paused for State Thespians - and so missing that rehearsal remains a big issue.  

I am going to waive the mandatory requirement for April 8 only for students who are going on the choir trip. They may still audition. all conflicts, the April 8 date will be noted - and it's a big deal.  It will make casting tricky for those students should I want them in the show; they'd likely all need to be in the same play so that only one cast would be affected that day.

A similar issue happened last year but worked out. So breathe easy if you're part of the choir trip. Come audition! And we will see how it all plays out. I obviously want to support all artistic endeavors. 

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