Wednesday, March 6, 2019

NW15: Callbacks

NW15:  Train of Thought
TH 3/7 (4p – 8p)*

*actors will be released throughout the process as is possible

The following people are still being considered for roles in the production: 

Taylor Balow
Miles Madsen Borden
Tucker Bowerfind
Zoe Bowman
Aidan Childs
Noah Clark
Ellen Danahy
Anabella Dominic
Gabrielle Donaldson
Tess Ferryman
Josh Fravel
Zachary Goldsmith
Sam Green
Keeli Guilfoyle
Benjamin Hanf
Rory Hays
Connor Howes
Jackson Jennings
Mak Johnson
Chloe Karnes
Aidan Kent
Lindsay Kurtz
John Lamb
Sammy Martin
Neala Mullen
Kylie Newland
Charlotte Odusanya
Eve O’Hanlon
Jake Pinkstaff
Tyler Posey
Emily Renison
Jared Reynolds
Claire Richards
Dina Ross
Matthew Sgroi
Amanda Taylor
Claire Voilleque
Ana Winner

Some on the above list are still not cleared academically.  Please assist Mr. Peerenboom in rectifying the matter by addressing your teachers prior to the audition time.  

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