Tuesday, April 30, 2019

NW15: Dress #2 Notes

Dress #2

Much stronger in the opening energy - transition from running was much better.

All in por-FEAR-e-uh
Please stop stomping up the step in the initial opening.  Burying the first lines of the show.

Not understanding the first line.

Nice adjustments overall - strong run.

Hold a micro beat after "...if I didn't care about you" as though you really do - and then you dash off suddenly, which is the joke.

Lost a lot of lines in the obsession vampire section (cross necklace, etc...) - rough diction.

"Who knows WHEN THE LAST TIME someone complimented you was?!" <----- that's the line - missing the CAPS part for the past three runs at least.

"Nerds" - losing the "n".

Dina / Ben
From "Whatever you say, Dracula" all the way through "Do you know how much I miss the sun."  - tighten this up - no beats, except for maybe a tiny one before "and what if I am?" - drive it.

She touched your shoulder nicely, but you did not even look at her - just dropped to the ground.  I guess she pushed the "drop-to-the-ground" button.  ;)

As he's coming out to you about being a vampire - right after you sit down, you look disinterested - or like you do not believe him.  In fact, I think you have great sympathy for him.

Remember to do a little hitch - or head movement when your internal clock gives you the time.  We cut the watch in favor of this nod to his internal clock.

I don't want to see your actual hand until Kenan grabs the flower and you tug of war.

Could not tell if those were new gloves or not...let costuming know.  And try to figure out how you might get them on more easily.

Exit the cage instead of the pit in your final exit - then you can leave out the back right away.

After you talk about "Aster" (your favorite) and then laugh and roll on the ground...let the laughter start and go a bit longer before you actually hit the ground.  In fact, maybe try doing a spin with your arms out as you laugh - before you ever drop and roll.  The moment is rushed.

The build to dumping the flowers on Kenan was still a bit fast...  I think if you take a bit more time, it will help you also build more into the breakdown - which tonight felt a bit forced.

Nice shove!  I do think the break down for you was a bit forced as well.

Charlotte / Tucker / Mak
Decent run - but lacking some focus due to your peers' laughing so hard - make sure, no matter the audience...stay inside the story...

Charlotte / Tucker / Mak
Exit by the cage instead of out into the auditorium.

Do you need clarification on when to enter?  You seemed confused.

Lost "claim a space for myself"

Much better on volume and clarity.

Aidan C
"It's not that" - I need to see more of his frustration on that line.

Nice panic build.

Aidan C
"we need to end this" - don't rush that line - and make sure you are saying with the line, "I'm breaking up with you." - It seems almost casual right now.

Next run, allow her to fight with Parker...  "I was 14, Parker..." - defend yourself harder and also accuse her of being a drama queen about it in your lines...don't soften until the end of the scene.

When Claire exits and you do the "almost" follow before Eddy comes back in - actually follow her - go off the steps like you're going to totally leave, then come back when Eddy comes in.

Ana / Claire / Aidan
You may already be timing it this way - but exit quietly out the main doors during the Zombie techno music.

Into part 5, enter much earlier - as soon as the electronica theme comes back in... You should be straddling the tracks when the lights come up.

First lines need to be double in volume and energy - even if things aren't tight.  :)

On the "mole butt cheek" line - change the blocking to get up in Aidan's face, then go back to your position.

Let's talk about the compact mirror moment into the discovery of the intestines.  And thank you for your patience.

Dare me to tell you to pull back on "To have something there, it must come from somewhere."  MORE. :)

Aidan K / Claire 
The strangling is too fast.  You're sinking too quickly.  Strangle and hold the standing position longer, then go to the floor.  I want it at least 1/3 longer.

Make a bigger point with "and choke them to death".

"Oolong" - losing that word.

Aidan K
Give me more energy on "stop spilling the t" and pace up that line.

Claire / Aidan K
I'm changing the fight sequence a bit.   We'll work it after curtain call.

I don't know what the last moment is telling us before "blackouts" - right now, it reads as if he's bored by it all.  In the moment right before you say it - has he succumbed, is he committing robot suicide, is he...? It's not clear...  The subtext is confusing.  

Monday, April 29, 2019

NW15: Dirt Tracking


Despite the mandate that the choir room be spotless, it was not.  Dirt was left all over the place...and so, to keep the privilege of having a greenroom space at all, we will now do the following.

You may only be in socks or barefoot in any room designated as "the greenroom" going forward.

You may only put on costume shoes right next to the doors that enter the theatre.  So if your entrance is SL by the shop.  You will travel to that entrance in socks (or street shoes if you feel unsafe in socks / barefoot) and put on / change shoes right at the door before you enter.  You will then remove them the second you are out.  

Crew must all have two sets of shoes, designating "dirt shoes" for work on the stage and then "regular shoes" to be put on after work.

Actors may not be on the stage at all unless in their costume shoes going forward.

NOTE:  Given this notice is going out today, during school hours, we may not achieve full compliance until tomorrow insofar as multiple crew shoes, etc... 

BOTTOM LINE:  no more tracking dirt.

NW15: Schedule Reminder

Hey all!

Below is a reminder of the schedule.  It has been published for weeks - but just in case...look it over in a fresh blog post.

Each day will look a little different.  Start times for runs will be different. And when possible, we will release early.  So it's a good idea, when you can, to have someone on call if you need a ride.  Or...plan to stay and work on homework and other obligations.  

Food will be provided each day this week.
4/29, 4/30 5/1, 5/2 - around 5:30p
5/3 - around 5:00p
5/4 - between shows

M 4/29            
4:00p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
4:00p – 10:30p

Sound Lead:                
4:00p – 10:30p

Run Crew:                   
4:00p – 10:30p

T 4/30             
4:00p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
4:00p – 10:30p

Sound Lead:                
4:00p – 10:30p

Run Crew:                   
4:00p – 10:30p

W 5/1              
4:00p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
4:00p – 10:30p

Sound Lead:                
4:00p – 10:30p

Run Crew:                   
4:00p – 10:30p    

TH 5/2  
4:00p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
4:00p – 6:00p

Sound Lead:                
4:00p – 6:00p

Run Crew:                   
4:00p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
4:00p – 10:30p

F 5/3     (COMPANY DINNER AT 5:00p) 
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

SA 5/4  
12:00p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
12:00p – 1:00p / 5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
12:00p – 1:00p / 5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
12:00p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
12:00p – 10:30p

T 5/7                           
4:00p – 7:00p  

Lighting Lead:            
4:00p – 4:30p

Sound Lead:                
4:00p – 4:30p

Run Crew:                   
4:00p – 7:00p

W 5/8    
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

TH 5/9  
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

F 5/10    
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

M 5/13            
Full Company:             
4:00p – 8:00p  

A Sunday 5/12 strike may be also possible as an added day for some who are willing.  More on that soon!

Saturday, April 27, 2019



Call:  10:00a
Meal Provided: 3:00p
Release:  10:00p

Actors - when you arrive, check in with Stage Management so they can mark you present.  Then immediately go to the dressing rooms for fittings.  

Tech (cue to cue) will begin after a costume parade.

If possible a dress run (no make-up) will follow cue-to-cue.

Actors may watch tech if completely quiet.  Please use down time to work on homework or other obligations if you need to.

We will assess mid-day and see if an early release for some - or all - is possible.  But plan on staying.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

NW15: Schedule 4/24 - 4/26

Please remember that no conflicts are permitted, per your contracts, going forward.

NOTE:  Apologies for the delay in posting.  I had internet connectivity issues all last evening.  Glad it's working early this morning.

NOTE:  There is no longer a full run on Thursday; it's moved to Friday.  Look carefully at the call times!

NW15 – Train of Thought
Rehearsal Schedule   
4/24 – 4/26

W 4/24
4:00p – 5:00p
Called:  por-FEAR-e-uh

5:00p – 6:30p
Called:  Keepsake

TH 4/25
4:00p – 4:30p
Called:  And Far Between

4:30p – 5:30p
Called:  Seasons

5:30p – 6:30p
Called:  A Portrait in Red

F 4/26
4:00p – 7:00p
Called:  Full Company
(Run Through)

Monday, April 22, 2019

NW15: Clothes and Dirt!

Keep in mind - the stage is now actual dirt.  This will get on your clothes.  It comes off pretty easily, but still - it's a good idea to wear "rehearsal clothing" and to change before and after rehearsals. 

NW15: Rehearsal Cancellation

Due to actor illness, Keepsake rehearsal is canceled today, Monday 4/22, 4p - 5:30p.

NW15: Costume Action!!!


Please see the below message and take actions quickly!

The mood board link is below.

"Actors and crew:  Please take a look at the mood boards, not only for your character but maybe someone else’s character.  These are suggestions of looks and have some flexibility (If I listed something as black, dark grey might still be ok etc). If you have something you think might work, please either bring it in or take a picture of it (you wearing it if it is your costume) and email it to:  jpeerenb@pps.net by Wednesday at 3:30.  Due to the tight time line, if I don’t get either the garment or a picture of it by then I will have to assume I need to buy it.  Feel free to email me with questions.

Jim Peerenboom 
Theatre Director/Dean of Students
Lincoln High School

Saturday, April 20, 2019

NW15: CHANGE - Rehearsal TODAY 4/20

Due to actor illness, we are unable to rehearse Seasons today.  Today's schedule will now be:

SA 4/20
4:00p - 4:30p
Called: Dina / Ben

4:30p - 6:00p
Called:  por-FEAR-e-uh

This also means crew may work on the stage much longer.  Please begin cleaning up by 3:30p.

Friday, April 19, 2019

NW15: Late Bios

The following people failed to honor the below guidelines.  Their bios are now due no later than this SUNDAY 4/21 at 10:00p.  Anyone failing to do so will not have their bio or headshot in the program.  Please follow the below instructions...you know, the ones that were given to you over a month ago...

Matthew Sgroi
Neala Mullen
Caitlin Bui
Audrey Taylor
Olivia Flamm
Spencer Howe
Hillary Meskimen
Berit Holden
Lily Kline
Jeremy Dirkx
Taylor Balow
Solviey Van Oast
Caroline Sgroi
Connor Howe

All Cast - All Crew - All Playwrights
Please get your bios emailed to me.

Monday 3/18 by 10:00p

Follow the instructions on the bio form.  If you do not have one anymore - or are on crew - get one from a Stage Manager ASAP.



If you emailed it to my PCS account, it will not be accepted.  Resend to the above email address.  Learn to check your "autofills".  Good skill!

NW15: Headshot Photos

NW15 – Train of Thought


All cast and crew must be ready at 6:45p to take their photos that will be featured in the program.  If any crew members absolutely cannot make it, please notify Suresh and Caroline; an alternate plan may be available. 

NW15: Schedule 4/22 - 4/26

NW15 – Train of Thought
Rehearsal Schedule   
4/22 – 4/26

-Please remember that no conflicts are permitted, per your contracts, going forward.
--Off book and no line calls going forward except for And Far Between

M 4/22
4:00p – 5:30p
Called: Keepsake

5:30p – 7:00p
Called: And Far Between

T 4/23
4:00p – 6:45p
Called: Full Acting Company
(run through)

6:45p – 7:00p*
Called: Full Acting Company
(photos for the program)

*Photos will likely take longer than 7:00p.  If you are unable to stay later, make sure you go early.  

W 4/24^
4:00p – 7:00p

TH 4/25
4:00p – 7:00p
Called: Full Acting Company
(run through)

F 4/26^

^The TBA rehearsals will be announced no later than 10:00p the night before.  You are all on call for those dates and times.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

NW15: Schedule Update (Friday 4/19)

--Rehearsal for A Portrait in Red is now canceled for this upcoming Friday.  
--Lighting Hang Crew needs to come in at 6:00p.

F 4/19
4:00p – 6:00p
Called:  por-FEAR-e-uh

Lighting Prep:            
6:00p – 10:00p