Monday, April 22, 2019

NW15: Costume Action!!!


Please see the below message and take actions quickly!

The mood board link is below.

"Actors and crew:  Please take a look at the mood boards, not only for your character but maybe someone else’s character.  These are suggestions of looks and have some flexibility (If I listed something as black, dark grey might still be ok etc). If you have something you think might work, please either bring it in or take a picture of it (you wearing it if it is your costume) and email it to: by Wednesday at 3:30.  Due to the tight time line, if I don’t get either the garment or a picture of it by then I will have to assume I need to buy it.  Feel free to email me with questions.

Jim Peerenboom 
Theatre Director/Dean of Students
Lincoln High School

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