Monday, April 29, 2019

NW15: Dirt Tracking


Despite the mandate that the choir room be spotless, it was not.  Dirt was left all over the place...and so, to keep the privilege of having a greenroom space at all, we will now do the following.

You may only be in socks or barefoot in any room designated as "the greenroom" going forward.

You may only put on costume shoes right next to the doors that enter the theatre.  So if your entrance is SL by the shop.  You will travel to that entrance in socks (or street shoes if you feel unsafe in socks / barefoot) and put on / change shoes right at the door before you enter.  You will then remove them the second you are out.  

Crew must all have two sets of shoes, designating "dirt shoes" for work on the stage and then "regular shoes" to be put on after work.

Actors may not be on the stage at all unless in their costume shoes going forward.

NOTE:  Given this notice is going out today, during school hours, we may not achieve full compliance until tomorrow insofar as multiple crew shoes, etc... 

BOTTOM LINE:  no more tracking dirt.

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