Saturday, December 14, 2019

NW16 - Cast Party

Here are the details regarding the cast party!  As noted below by the Hanfs, this is a private event and not officially sanctioned nor managed by Lincoln High School or Portland Public Schools.

Cast and Crew Families,

Below is the information for Saturday night’s (Dec. 14th) non-school sponsored New Works 16: Monumental Cast and Crew Party.  Lincoln Drama has a long-held tradition of celebrating the closing of each production with an all-night cast celebration. To keep this tradition alive, students must adhere to a strict policy of no alcohol, drugs, or tobacco/nicotine products of any kind. There will be adult supervision all night, and we will monitor behavior closely.

1033 NW Eloise Lane, Portland 97229
At the end of the cul-de-sac up the hill.  Street parking is VERY limited so try to carpool if you are driving. Feel free to park in our driveway if there’s space (our cars will be parked elsewhere).  You may also park around the cul-de-sac. Parents drop off and pick up or rideshare (Uber/Lyft) is suggested.

Bring a snack to share, sleeping bag, pillow, and games. We will have additional snacks, drinks, and lots of games. We will provide a continental breakfast in the morning.

It is a VERY quiet street, so students will stay indoors.

After the school after-Party (after closing, there is a short celebration at Lincoln for cast and crew only) to 8 am.

Stacey Hanf 503 351-7676
Russell Hanf 503 936-7167 

- No drugs. No alcohol. No tobacco products of any type.
- No reentry. 
- When students leave, they must check out with an adult, to make sure they are safe and have someone responsible to drive.
- Any inappropriate behavior may reflect upon their ability to participate in Lincoln Drama in the future.
- No outside guests allowed

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all.

Russell and Stacey Hanf

Thursday, December 12, 2019

NW16 - For the first time...

As we launch week two of this stellar festival, it's important to take that extra moment to think about the fundamentals of maintaining a great production. So often, after opening weekend, there is a strange let down. And after days off and a speed through pick-up, it can also feel like going on autopilot to reach the end.

One thing that had already begun to happen a bit last weekend was a lack of listening. Though things tightened up nicely in terms of pace and tempo...some actors began to get ahead of themselves. In short - they stopped experiencing the story for the first time.

And this is so key. Remember...many, many audience members who see the show this weekend will have not seen it yet.  And your job, every time to step on stage, it so live inside the character and the story for the first drop listen and react in the moment.

Another thing that happened last weekend by show 3 was a noticeable drop in vocal energy and projection.  The same people.  You know who you are. This goes for quite a few in Paradise - but there are some in every cast. Make sure you are keeping that awareness...that every single person in every single seat must hear the language and receive the story clearly. Always know that if you are the first few people to speak after a sound cue, you will need to be extra aware of your projection and clarity, because the audience's ears are making an adjustment in terms of where sound is coming from.

Bottom line: the show should improve, grow, expand, go deeper with more nuance...and even more stunning performances.  Challenge yourselves to do so.  

I remain so very proud of this company. Have a blast this weekend!!!


Monday, December 9, 2019

NW16 - Pick Up Rehearsal

With tickets sales being decent, but not stellar, we will not add a performance on Wednesday 12/11.  Instead, this will serve as a pick up rehearsal.  Please read the schedule carefully.  We are releasing our hold on the auditorium which will now be used for 8th Grade Night activities that evening, so it's imperative that we start on time.

W 12/11

3:30p - Full Company Call
Get into costume, but no make-up.  Crew set quickly.

4:00p - Go
This is to be a semi-speed through - but with full props / costumes.  It does not mean mumble through lines.  It does not mean it's okay to make jokes and "blow it off".  It s to be a highly focused, technical review so as to set the company up for a successful closing three performances.  The intermission should only take 5 minutes, then move on.

6:00p (approx) - Release all but Humanicana / SMs
This cast / SMs will be presenting for 8th Grade Night.  A post on that will be coming soon.

NOTE:  I will not be there for these events.  The Stage Management team will be running things, and you are to treat them with respect.  It has been the tradition that I allow SMs to run this rehearsal.  A few years ago, this proved disastrous with the cast turning the entire rehearsal into a joke - props were damaged, costumes worn improperly, pranks were pulled backstage, one person was nearly hurt.  I believe this company would never engage in such a way; please do not prove me wrong.  Go forward with the integrity you have shown throughout. 

REMINDER:  It would be a good idea to bring a snack to school.  There will be no food provided, and there is not time to run anywhere before your call at 3:30p to get something.  Be prepared.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

NW16 - Dinner On Friday 12/6

Because we have plenty of leftovers from the terrific food our parent volunteers have provided and curated, we are able to have a dinner before our second show!


This is not a mandatory company dinner - but optional for those who would like to partake!

Thank you, awesome parents, for keeping us nourished! 

NW16 - "Write Your Truth" from Monumental - The Score

Some have asked about this track - so here it is for anyone wanting to listen and/or download.  It will be only be up for a limited time.  Enjoy!

NW16 - Video Trailer

For those who've not seen the trailer, directed and edited by Emily Renison, check it out. It can be downloaded HERE. Share away and let's sell this thing! The work is truly wonderful from these incredible young artists; let's keep the program thriving with great promotion and box office!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

NW16 - Schedule 12/4

Quick Reminder per last night's announcement.

TODAY 12/4
Crew Call:  4:00p (full checks and set)
Actor Call:  4:30p (on stage for curtain call staging)
Dinner Break:  5:00p
Dress Prep:  5:30p - 7:30p
Dress #4:  7:30p - 10:00p
No Notes - Release right after curtain call

NOTE:  We have a lighting issue we're trying to sort involving James's scar in Paradise.  Henry needs to have his scar applied and ready ASAP.  Should be the #1 priority.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

NW16 12/3 Schedule Detail

Please read carefully!

NW16: Monumental
Schedule Detail 12/3

3:45p – Run Crew Called
4:15p – Actors Called
5:00p – House Crew Called


3:45p – 4:15p
Set Up / Full Checks

4:15p – 5:00p
Papers – work on stage w/Matt
Make-Believe / Humaniana / Paradise – speed line throughs*
*1 SM per cast on book

5:00p – 5:30p
(Dinner Provided)
Full Company Meeting w/Matt in 169
House Crew Called

5:30p – 7:00p
Actor / Run Crew / House Crew Prep

7:00p – 10:30p
Dress #3 / Notes
House Crew Prep

-If you have down time, please take advantage and do schoolwork so as to remain on top of your academic obligations!  
-Sometimes we get out a bit early.  When possible, have rides “on call”.  

Sunday, December 1, 2019

NW16 - Final Schedule Reminder!

This should not be new based on previous posts, but as a reminder, please read carefully! Let's land this show! Can't wait to get back into rehearsals tomorrow! Exclamation point!  

NW16: Monumental
12/2 – 12/15


M 12/2 – Dress 2
Run Crew and Actor Call

House Crew Call

3:30p – 5:00p
Work sections with tech 
Line throughs

5:00p – 5:30p
Dinner Provided

5:30p – 7:00p
House Crew Meeting w/Matt
Actor / Crew Prep

7:00p – 10:30p
Dress #2 / Notes
House Crew Sets Up

T 12/3 – Dress 3
Run Crew and Actor Call

House Crew Call 
TBD (based on need)

3:30p – 5:00p
Work sections with tech 
Line throughs

5:00p – 5:30p
Dinner Provided

5:30p – 7:00p
Actor / Crew Prep

7:00p – 10:30p
Dress #3 / Notes

W 12/4 – Dress 4 / Preview
Run Crew and Actor Call

House Crew Call 

3:30p – 5:00p
Work sections with tech 
Line throughs

5:00p – 5:30p
Dinner Provided

5:30p – 7:30p
Actor / Crew Prep

7:30p – 10:30p
Dress #4 / Preview
(no notes)


TH 12/5 – Show 1
Full Company Call

5:00p – 6:00p
Company Dinner Provided
Notes from preview

6:00p – 7:30p
Actor / Crew Prep

Show #1 Go

F 12/6 – Show 2
Run / House Crew Call:  5:30p
Actor Call:  6:00p
Show #2 Go:  7:30p

SA 12/7 – Show 3
Run / House Crew Call:  5:30p
Actor Call:  6:00p
Show #3 Go:  7:30p

W 12/11 – Pick Up or Added Show
Full Company Must Hold: 3:30p – 10:30p

TH 12/12 – Show 4
Run / House Crew Call:  5:30p
Actor Call:  6:00p
Show #4 Go:  7:30p

F 12/13 – Show 5 (ASL Interpreted)
Run / House Crew Call:  5:30p
Actor Call:  6:00p
Show #5 Go:  7:30p 

SA 12/14 – Show 6
Run / House Crew Call:  5:30p
Actor Call:  6:00p
Show #6 Go:  7:30p
Closing Ceremony:  10:15p


SU 12/15
Full Company Call:  12:00p – 6:00p