Monday, December 9, 2019

NW16 - Pick Up Rehearsal

With tickets sales being decent, but not stellar, we will not add a performance on Wednesday 12/11.  Instead, this will serve as a pick up rehearsal.  Please read the schedule carefully.  We are releasing our hold on the auditorium which will now be used for 8th Grade Night activities that evening, so it's imperative that we start on time.

W 12/11

3:30p - Full Company Call
Get into costume, but no make-up.  Crew set quickly.

4:00p - Go
This is to be a semi-speed through - but with full props / costumes.  It does not mean mumble through lines.  It does not mean it's okay to make jokes and "blow it off".  It s to be a highly focused, technical review so as to set the company up for a successful closing three performances.  The intermission should only take 5 minutes, then move on.

6:00p (approx) - Release all but Humanicana / SMs
This cast / SMs will be presenting for 8th Grade Night.  A post on that will be coming soon.

NOTE:  I will not be there for these events.  The Stage Management team will be running things, and you are to treat them with respect.  It has been the tradition that I allow SMs to run this rehearsal.  A few years ago, this proved disastrous with the cast turning the entire rehearsal into a joke - props were damaged, costumes worn improperly, pranks were pulled backstage, one person was nearly hurt.  I believe this company would never engage in such a way; please do not prove me wrong.  Go forward with the integrity you have shown throughout. 

REMINDER:  It would be a good idea to bring a snack to school.  There will be no food provided, and there is not time to run anywhere before your call at 3:30p to get something.  Be prepared.

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