Thursday, December 12, 2019

NW16 - For the first time...

As we launch week two of this stellar festival, it's important to take that extra moment to think about the fundamentals of maintaining a great production. So often, after opening weekend, there is a strange let down. And after days off and a speed through pick-up, it can also feel like going on autopilot to reach the end.

One thing that had already begun to happen a bit last weekend was a lack of listening. Though things tightened up nicely in terms of pace and tempo...some actors began to get ahead of themselves. In short - they stopped experiencing the story for the first time.

And this is so key. Remember...many, many audience members who see the show this weekend will have not seen it yet.  And your job, every time to step on stage, it so live inside the character and the story for the first drop listen and react in the moment.

Another thing that happened last weekend by show 3 was a noticeable drop in vocal energy and projection.  The same people.  You know who you are. This goes for quite a few in Paradise - but there are some in every cast. Make sure you are keeping that awareness...that every single person in every single seat must hear the language and receive the story clearly. Always know that if you are the first few people to speak after a sound cue, you will need to be extra aware of your projection and clarity, because the audience's ears are making an adjustment in terms of where sound is coming from.

Bottom line: the show should improve, grow, expand, go deeper with more nuance...and even more stunning performances.  Challenge yourselves to do so.  

I remain so very proud of this company. Have a blast this weekend!!!


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