Friday, March 30, 2018

Schedule Update for 4-11


A rehearsal has been added for Wednesday 4/11 during the previously noted potential extension window.

Spectral will now rehearse on:
W 4/11       7:30p - 9:00p

The schedule has been updated and is downloadable HERE.

Friday, March 23, 2018


NW14:  Eye to Eye

And introducing...your crew!


Stage Manager / Board Op.
Lydia Fecker

Assistant Stage Manager / Board Op.
Miles Madsen Borden

Deck Lead / Properties Lead
Hillary Meskimen

Run Crew 2
Mak Johnson

Run Crew 3
Ethan Childs

Run Crew 4
Taylor Balow

Lighting Lead 
Chani Daly Welle

Costume Lead
Caroline Moore

Costume Crew 1
Chloe Karnes

Costume Crew 2
Bella Bravo

House Manager
Tyronn Burnett

Lead Usher
Celeste Ortiz


Scenic Prep 1
Ethan Childs

Scenic Prep 2
Malia Chan

Scenic Prep 3
Mathias Morse

Scenic Prep 4
Aidan Childs

Scenic Prep 5
Amanda Rau

Lighting Prep 1
Ethan Childs

Lighting Prep 2
Chani Daly Welle

Lighting Prep 3
Mathias Morse

Lighting Prep 4
Aidan Childs

Costume Prep 1
Malia Chan

Costume Prep 2
Zoe Bowman

Properties Asst.
Mak Johnson

Asst. Sound Design
Jered Knofczynski

Sound Prep
Taylor Balow

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Schedule Update for TODAY 3/21

For TODAY 3/21, rehearsal for Spectral will now be:

5:00p - 7:00p

This means we're ending 30 minutes earlier than previously scheduled.

A director / playwright (Tucker) meeting will now take place from 7:00p - 7:30p.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

MUST EMAIL: More Food Details!

It has been requested that we know not only your food allergies, but also any other dietary restrictions.

If you DO NOT have restrictions, you don't need to take any action.

If you DO have restrictions, please email me:

In the subject, type:  
NW14 Food Details

In the body of the email, alert me if you are:

Only eat Kosher
or any other restrictions we need to know about

If you do not email this by Wednesday 3/21 at 12:00p, I will assume you have no restrictions. 

Thank you!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Actor Rehearsal Schedule: 3/19 - 4/14

Below is the schedule.  It can also be downloaded HERE.  Please remember that at this point, few conflicts (if any) will be accepted for the below dates.  Please put these dates / times in your calendar.  Please plan accordingly for food if you should need dinner before a rehearsal. 

NW14:  EYE to EYE
Actor Rehearsal Schedule
3/19 - 4/14
(unless noted, the full cast is called for the listed play)

M 3/19
4:00p - 5:15p
Apple of My Eye

5:30p - 6:25p

6:30p - 7:30p

T 3/20
4:00p - 5:20p

5:30p - 7:30p
Devising Ensemble

W 3/21
4:00p - 4:55p

5:00p - 7:30p

TH 3/22
4:00p - 5:20p

5:30p - 7:30p
Apple of My Eye

F 3/23
4:00p - 6:30p

SPRING BREAK 3/24 - 4/1

M 4/2
4:00p - 5:15p
Apple of My Eye

5:30p - 7:25p

T 4/3
4:00p - 5:20p

5:30p - 6:25p

6:30p - 7:25p

W 4/4
4:00p - 7:30p
Devising Ensemble


M 4/9
4:00p - 7:30p

T 4/10
4:00p - 4:55p

5:00p - 5:55p

6:00p - 7:30p
Apple of My Eye

W 4/11
4:00p - 5:20p
Devising Ensemble

5:30p - 7:30p

TH 4/12
4:00p - 5:45p

6:00p - 7:30p
Devising Ensemble

Children’s Theatre Workshop 4/13

SA 4/14
10:00a - 11:20a

11:30a - 1:15p

1:30p - 6:00p
Devising Ensemble

Thursday, March 15, 2018


I am very excited for the Crew opportunities for this production.  I am hopeful we'll get a lot of students who want to be involved in what is going to be a very special show.

Stage Manager Lydia Fecker will be available after school at 3:30p on both tomorrow (Friday) 3/16 and Monday 3/19 to hand out applications and information sheets.  For some positions (ASMs, Leads), brief interviews will be required after school next week at 3:30p.  When you pick up your application from Lydia, you can schedule your interviews.

Look HERE for the information we'll provide in the lobby so you can have it in advance.  Or you can download and go ahead and fill it out.

As always, email me with questions:

NOTE: Extended Rehearsal Windows

Due to the myriad conflicts surrounding choir, early spring break trips, and state thespians, I am extending the rehearsal windows for 4 dates on the master calendar.  As I said at the callback audition, this will very likely not affect everyone.  It simply means you need to be prepared to be called late on one of these four dates.  If you are, we will ensure that there is a quiet space for homework after school.

The four dates and extended rehearsal windows are:

Tuesday April 10:  4:00p - 9:30p

Wednesday April 11:  4:00p - 9:30p

Tuesday April 17:  4:00p - 9:30p

Wednesday April 18:  4:00p - 9:30p (Mandatory - see below)


Wednesday April 18 is now MANDATORY.  
This is based on the current conflict assessment.  Currently, everyone is available that day.  Mark your calendars that you will all be called from AT LEAST 4:00p - 7:30p that day for a full run of the entire show where we watch each other. Some actors may be held until 9:30p.  That has not yet been determined.

Thank you for your flexibility.  As always I will work to make sure as little time is wasted as is possible - and that when you are called, you are actually working.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

NW14: The Acting Company

The 14th Annual New Works Festival:  EYE to EYE

The Devising Ensemble
Adriana Agudelo
Barrett Kent
Eve O’Hanlon
Johnny Lamb
Juliet Malecha
Justin Copp
Noah Clark
Marcelino Hernandez

Aidan Kent

Lindsay Kurtz

Benjamin Hanf

Matthew Sgroi

Tucker Litch

Ana Winner

Lou Jenkins-Law

Tess Ferryman

Bowen Hampton

Michael Walsh

Sammy Martin

Ruby Mullins-Keating

Apple of My Eye
Neala Mullin

Emily Renison

Claire Voilleque

Connor Howes

Jackson Jennings

Ava Sweet

Claire Richards

K. Suresh Sehdev

Rory Hays

Anabella Dominic

Tristan Muresan

Thank you once again to all who auditioned - who made this experience so memorable.  After careful consideration, it became obvious that the better decision for 4/14 - to allow the most flexibility in casting - was to make 4/14 primarily a day for the devising ensemble to piece together their work with the playwright and me.  More details about that schedule will come out in the days to come.

REMINDER:  Rehearsals on 3/15 and 3/16 are mandatory and both from 4:00p - 7:00p.  These rehearsals will take place in Room 224.  During these rehearsals we will work through the scripts and allow for group discussion and for playwrights to have the chance to ask questions in preparation for rewrites.  We will also take pictures on Friday 3/16 with Chris Rentzel and collect costume measurements over these days.  AND...we will have all actors fill in their contact information into the master spreadsheet.  

Crew Applications will be available after school on Friday 3/16 at 3:30p.  Also watch the blog for announcements about crew positions.

As always, feel free to email me with questions or concerns.  (  

I can't wait to get started!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

NW14 Callback Notice

The 14th Annual New Works Festival

If you are listed below, you have been invited to the callback audition on:

Wednesday 3/14 from 4:00p - 8:00p

For those not on the list, you are no longer being considered for a role in the show. That said, everyone who came out to generals should be very proud.  It rivals the best of auditions I’ve seen since starting at Lincoln in 2003.  What an amazing day.  I felt very privileged to watch your talent on display.  I hope all who came out will consider participating in the show in some way even if not cast.

Adriana Agudelo
Aidan Childs
Aidan Kent
Ana Winner
Anabella Dominic
Ava Sweet
Barrett Kent
Benjamin Hanf
Bowen Hampton
Chloe Karnes
Claire Richards
Claire Voilleque
Connor Howes
Emily Renison
Ethan Childs
Eve O’Hanlon
Jackson Jennings
Johnny Lamb
Juliet Malecha
Justin Copp
K. Suresh Sehdev
Lindsay Kurtz
Lou Jenkins-Law
Mak Johnson
Marcelino Hernandez
Matthew Sgroi
Michael Walsh
Natalia Bermudez
Neala Mullin
Noah Clark
Rory Hays
Ruby Mullins-Keating
Sammy Martin
Tess Ferryman
Tristan Muresan
Tucker Litch
Tyronn Barrett
Zoe Spring Bowman

Please note - some of you have some really challenging conflicts on your audition forms.  And some of you have listed that you "don't know yet".  You must come into callbacks knowing your conflicts.  And for those who have listed 4/14 as a conflict, your chances of being cast are radically reduced, given that's a mandatory date.  If you think there's a way to reduce your conflicts, this would be the time to do it.  Conflicts will play a large role in my casting decisions.

I look forward to seeing some exciting work as we continue the audition process.

Monday, March 12, 2018


Except for reading the plays, there is nothing to prepare for this audition.  Part of the assessment will be your ability to handle whatever is thrown at you.  Your vocal technique, physical skills, improvisation, and openness to your fellow actors will be key.  This will be a group audition in large and small groupings. Dress in movement clothing and be prepared to work in bare feet.  A positive, supportive, and intensely focused demeanor is important. 

"Movement clothing" means - clothing that allows you to move freely.  No dresses or skirts unless you are also wearing leggings. No low-waisted pants.  I strongly suggest sweats or dance wear. No shoes.  No socks.