Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Conflicts and Mandatory Dates


As you fill out your audition forms, please pay special attention to the conflicts section.  Only put down dates / times that are actual conflicts.  If a conflict is optional, meaning - you are simply "hoping" to get that day/time off - please put "optional" by the request.  I'll always do what I can.  

Be very clear about when you can arrive...and/or when you must leave.  That is the key to how I plan.  If you only give me the time of your conflict, that does not tell me when you are actually available.

Tuesdays:  I can arrive by 4:30p.
April 16:  I must leave by 5:45p. (optional)
April 18:  unavailable

On Mondays, I have appointments at 6:00p.
3/13: I could be there for a little while.
Sometimes I have track practice.

NOTE:  By auditioning, you have noted the mandatory dates.  Do not list these as conflicts.  As well, even if you have an ongoing "Tuesday conflict", it is assumed that you are getting out of that conflict for mandatory dates.

TH 3/15, F 3/16, SA 4/14
All dates from 4/23 - 5/14 (see audition packet for more detail)

After you turn in your audition form, you may still request time off via email, but no request is guaranteed.  You may make a "request".  You may not "tell me".  The same goes for parents/guardians.  I accommodate when I can, but I also reserve the right to refuse a request and to recast should actors not show up when called.  In addition, once a specific schedule is posted, no conflicts will be entertained except for actual emergencies.  

As always, let me know if you have questions:

And please remind those new to the New Works Festival to CHECK THIS BLOG!!!  Help each other out with the communication style of this annual event:  

consistent, specific, transparent

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