Monday, March 12, 2018

Additional Information for Parents/Guardians

The 14th Annual New Works Festival

-Additional Information for Parents/Guardians-

This meeting is mandatory for parents/guardians of students participating in this production.  Even if you're a Lincoln Drama parent/guardian veteran, and you think you've heard it all, we ask that you participate in this meeting.  Each show represents things that are unique and important for every parent/ guardian involved to understand.  

When you attend the meeting, you are helping set the best example in the entire world for your child. We thank you for your interest and support of your child's passion for theatre.  

Please review the required play expenses for which we ask your help.  Scholarships are available. If your family needs a partial or full scholarship, please alert Jim Peerenboom, Michelle Richards or Kathy Weidenbaum.  

Pay by check to “Friends of Lincoln” with “Drama” in the memo line OR click the DONATE link on our secure ticketing website to pay by credit card:
The DONATE link is in the upper right hand corner of that page.

If you would like to donate above the amount we ask for, our performing arts program and the students will absolutely benefit from your help.  We historically have around 15% of our cast and crew who need financial assistance to cover all or some of what we ask.

If you would like to sponsor the New Works Festival at the $1000 level, you will receive the following as our way to thank you:

- 4 complimentary tickets to a show
- Name prominently displayed on all the programs and lobby thank you sign
- Name on the posters
- Mentioned to the audience at all productions
​- 1 or 2 original t-shirts, custom-designed for the play


Mandatory Fee:  $125
$50 participation donation
$75 food cost

Add-On Fee/Purchase/Donation: $50 and up
$50 volunteer fee
$15 DVD
$ xx donation for gifts for director/designers


Helps cover the cost of your child’s custom designed show t-shirt, as well as the costs associated with producing the show, including our professional director and designer fees, as well as the scenic, lighting, costuming, sound, properties, and marketing expenses.

We will be catering the food to feed the cast and crew for this show, as organizing parents/guardians to cook and bring in food has not been working successfully.  Paying for these meals and snacks is not an option.  We ask every family for $75 worth of help in this cost category.  FYI:  The week before opening, we feed everybody on tech weekend, Saturday and Sunday.  And then we provide dinners Monday, Tues, Wed, and Thurs of opening week.  And on closing night after the performance, and as part of the on stage celebration, we provide something like pizza for the students to enjoy.

It takes a village to produce the plays in Lincoln Drama's outstanding program.  And it's because of parents/guardians like you that Lincoln's Drama program enjoys an excellent reputation in the theatre community. The only way we can continue to achieve that is with your help:  to build the set, run errands, help with the box office and concessions during performances, help with marketing the Festival, etc. We ask you to write a separate $50 check to Friends of Lincoln for us to hold and not cash if you volunteer for a minimum of 4 hrs, or we will cash it at the end of the production if you can't or don't volunteer a minimum of 4 hrs.  

$15 DVD
You can order a DVD of the recorded performance for $15 each.  This is an optional purchase.

We traditionally gift the adults who work with your kids during this theatre experience.  If you factor the amount of hours they work vs. how much we pay them, you probably pay your babysitter more per hour.  Our professionals do all this work because they share the same passion for theatre as our kids, and love to help give our kids great experiences in the world of theatre. 

The people for this show we will thank are five in number:

-Matthew B. Zrebski (director/dramaturg/composer/sound designer)
-Jim Peerenboom (producer/costumer)
-Kyra Sanford (set designer/master carpenter)
-Becca Priddy (lighting designer/electrician)
-Jerod Schmidt (graphics design advisor)

Your gift of money that we can use to buy meaningful gifts and thank them is very appreciated.  

In advance, thank you for all you do and contribute so as to keep the Lincoln High School Drama Department thriving.  We look forward to seeing you all during the process from page to stage!

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