Wednesday, October 30, 2019

NW16 - Incident Report and Safety - 10/30/19

As some surely know by now, an incredibly usual and unfortunate event occurred this evening during rehearsal when someone opened the side door (by the band hall) and threw a large firework into the auditorium, resulting in an explosion - and then smoke, the fire alarms, and an evacuation. The cast of Humanicana, our SM team, and I were in the auditorium when this occurred.

Both the Fire and Police departments came. An investigation has been launched. We are so fortunate no one was harmed during the incident. As a result of this event, a new security protocol is being implemented.

Every single door to the auditorium, including side and backstage doors are to be locked at all times. This means when you arrive to rehearsal, you are to remain in the foyer until a stage manager or adult comes to get you. On breaks, a single door to the foyer will be opened and guarded until the break is over. And then it will be closed and locked once more.

This may sound incredibly scary - and the incident certainly was - but having been with the investigators for over an hour and having an in depth conversation with Principal Chapman, I can tell you Lincoln Admin. and Law Enforcement are ON IT.  And, there is no reason to believe this was a targeted crime. In other words, it does not appear "drama students" were targeted. In fact, the perpetrator very well may have believed the auditorium was empty. I am very confident we are safe to continue rehearsing and that the above policy will be sufficient. Custodial staff and security staff are also being vigilant and all measures will be taken to ensure the safety of the students and staff.

I also want to say how very proud I am of the students. If ever there was a time when a total "freak out" would have been justified, this was that time. But in fact, all remained remarkably calm, evacuated efficiently, and then comported themselves with great maturity. We are all shaken, and justifiably so - but I'm so impressed with how everyone handled this.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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