Wednesday, October 23, 2019

NW16 - Parent / Guardian Meeting Monday 10/28

To all parents/guardians of cast and crew members, there is a mandatory meeting scheduled for:

Monday 10/28
Lincoln Auditorium

At this meeting, many things will be discussed, including:

-the history of the New Works Festival, it's mission, and details on this year's offering.

-a review of commitments of cast / crew.

-reminders of communication protocols

-the importance of parent/guardian/community support for this self funded program

-how parents/guardians/community members can volunteer to help the production

-a Q&A for parents/guardians

-and more!

Please do everything you can to attend as it will greatly help this entire, wonderful team to be on the same page!

Finally, it is important that every member of the cast and crew has filled out the online info form - and that all understand the importance of cast/crew fees. Please click HERE.

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