Wednesday, May 2, 2018

No Preview, But...

We are not having an official "preview" tonight.  Given collective exhaustion and the need to remain fresh, I decided to start earlier this evening and forego an official run that starts at 7:30p.

That said, if you know someone who would like an early viewing and who would not be able to afford a ticket - or who is already buying tickets but would like a preview, they may come tonight.  

There will be no adult house management.  It will be super casual. So they would need to be in the lobby around 6:30p.  We can then let them in.  We will start around 6:45p.

You need to let me know if you have invited anyone.  Feel free to invite staff too.  It's a good chance for them to see it.  If our amazing parent volunteers wanted to stick around and watch tonight, that would work too!

Grace - this would be your only chance to see it as HM - so I hope you plan to stay.

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