Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Notes: Dress #1

***All notes should be read and 
implemented for Dress #2***

Dress #1 NOTES

Split Division:  Eyes

Opening energy was extremely low.  You should be walking much faster with an angry and determined purpose - and with tons of attitude.  It looked like “actors walking to places”.  You open this show.  You set the tone for the entire evening.  You simply cannot come on this way ever again.  J  As well, cues were quite slow - it should all move at a lightning pace until Eve yells her line to make everyone sit.  You must all take a moment to run through these lines as a pre-show warm up each night.  Don’t do it full volume (save it) - but always do it with fierce energy.  In addition to it being slow, it was all quite difficult to discern…you must enunciate clearly. 

Transitions between beats are too slow; there’s too much time:

1.  before “I’m triggered” - that breath takes too long.  It should be “I’m more important that you”, quick breath, “I’m triggered.”

2.  Before “I’m one 16th Mexican” - get to places at lightning speed and then Marcelino must talk!

3.  Before “I’m SO offended”.  That is not a huge gasp, it’s a micro-second of time.  Last night it was “No homo” - 3 seconds - “I’m SO offended”.  But it SHOULD be:  “No homo” - .25 seconds - “I’m SO offended.”

Solo lines starting with “I’m sorry.  There’s just so much to be offended by” were nearly impossible to hear both in volume and enunciation.  Noah / Adriana - this is particularly true with you…

When you sit after Eve yells, it’s not because the director told you to sit.  You are shaken by her passion / determination - and this causes you to sit slowly and with curiosity.  As you sit, all eyes should be on her.  Don’t just plop down.

You are really diving off a lot of words in the monologue.  Carry the breath support through the last syllable - and keep it clear.

After Eve’s last line, you all left like actors being told to exit.  You must have your inner-monologues running, considering what Eve has said.  She has schooled you - and as you leave, you must consider this.  Obviously this does not apply to Justin who is transitioning to the next moment.


Lost “Credits role” - mush mouthed.  Still no improvement on “You know him, right?”  Please fix this.  Though I can certainly give the note a 117th time.  J

You must time your cross and line very carefully on:  “I just loved him so much.”  You have to land at the corner on the word “much”.  Because then the light cue fires, and you must turn suddenly as it pops up to continue to the monologue.

During the stalking around the stool on “Maybe we should just kill you.  It’s only fair.” - be aware of the audience.  You have to circle that stool really tightly.

“is not God” - lost “God” because you ran over the punctuation.

The Taser needs to be held at its end.  You are palming it right now, so we actually never see it. When you first bring it out…make sure you are holding it at its end and let us see it extend in front of you when you are at the tower.  THEN…it needs to feel like you are holding a knife.  When you scream and begin the chase:  hold it like you will stab him with it from above…turn it into a horror movie butcher knife. 

“Inject” was really late off stage.  I think you were trying to find the Kit-Kat prop.  This needs to be handed to you.  You should not have to get it.  So ask the SR person (Taylor?) about having it ready.  And you should be able to talk and grab the prop at the same time.

The eating was good, but you remained facing SL the whole time.  Tonight, try facing SL, US, and DS on different beats of the anthem.  Do not face SR until you are about to walk, because that is Lydia’s cue. 

Split Division:  Machine

I need much more boisterous talking on entrances.  We could barely hear you.  Looked like a mistake.

You are cheating to the DS audience too much on your presentation.  The way to solve this it to make sure you are also playing half the time to the tower folks.  Also, pace up a bit.  It’s too slow.  Allow his nerves to make him go a bit faster. 

Stop saying “Push” at the wrong time.  Learn your cue, please.  This mistake has happened 7 times now.  Yes, I have hash-marks.  Keeping score!  Stop it.  J 

The tempo for the rap was fine if we were going to a funeral.  Low energy.  Low volume for the intro.  It’s not even at 10% of what I want intensity when it begins.  You took a big step back on this last night…never again.  J

Remember to pick up Patrick’s junk from Kit-Kat along with the note-cards.


I have told Hillary that the computer must be working and maybe even using Wi-Fi so that Google Docs can be on it.  I don’t want to see a blank screen.  Please investigate this with her.

“In your own house.”  It was more like a question again.  Land it.  Nasty.  Mean.  Hurt her.

“Reading has always been hard…”  Lost the word “Reading”

I’d like to see more of her inner-workings…the thing that makes her accept his vulnerability once he confesses his disability.  What makes her shift gears and say “Is it just reading?” 

Talk to Hillary about having a bit more “filler” in your bag.  It’s like a dehydrated corpse bag laying in state on the stage.  J

“How bad I am” - losing the words amidst the acting (but it’s a beautiful moment - so just “up” the projection a bit).

I think when he says “How bad I am” - this hits her in an almost “instant cry” moment…I think she wells up, and I think it takes her way off guard.  So when she says “Shit” - she’s also trying not to cry - because she relates.

When you begin your monologue on the circle apron facing DS, be careful…I think the audience behind you is losing words.

“As long as she gets better.”  Not projected for US audience…careful.

Love the sigh and reaction before she re-enters. Keep it.

You are sort of screwing up your face into some sort of odd inquisitive look after she refuses to hug you.  Don’t “act it” so hard.  Just “be it”.

As usual - tight, connected work…  Love this piece.

Split Division:  Love

This was really good - and actually made me choke up.  You were really starting to find the style of movement - and to connect really deeply.  This felt like the first moment in the run when the Devising Ensemble became an ensemble.  Everything prior was unfocused.  But this was terrific. 

Much better on projecting - and I love the simplicity of what you are doing.  It’s very haunting and beautiful to watch you up there.  The one note is this:  when you say the list of words, think of each of them as having a period at the end of the word, instead of a comma.  That doesn’t mean slowing anything down…it’s about allowing each word its own weight.  In addition, you must get louder - crescendo as it goes on. “Respect” should be the fullest word…and now, it’s not able to be heard at all, because you dive off of it.


Overall, a huge leap forward.  All characters were connecting.  Chemistry was terrific!

Better this evening, but still a bit muddy in the vocal area.  Make sure to “anchor” yourself in this first scene and make yourself enunciate every single syllable - and never dive off a word.  And to help this…remember:  she is investigating Sylvie…she is fascinated by her… So that curiosity should help elevate the language…help energize her.  Sometimes in this first scene, it feels like something tragic has happened…and I don’t know why.  Also - when you bring up the plan to meet “tomorrow”, really land the word “tomorrow” - it plants the seed for their ritual.

talk to me” needs a little more punch.  It’s not in CAPS…but as it is, I don’t know why you apologize in the next line.  Put more venom in it.  Punish her with that line.

248th time I’ve given this note:  Turn away from Easton ON “Let it be, East” and walk to the block. You know…like I’ve said 247 times before.  J

“Just now getting used to it.” - give me even more excitement on that line.  Remember, she overcompensates for her fear.  Fight the obstacle - don’t play the obstacle.

Let Easton get a little further away before “Is he right?”  As it is, I think he’d hear you and turn back.

I think she is pretty irritated with Terra the second Terra enters.   I think the friendship has already turned for Aurora - and that she’s come to see Terra as a self-sabotaging drama queen.  I’d like to see more of that judgment when Terra enters.  This should help pace up this scene, which is way too slow.  So…most of her lines should be to end the conversation and get Terra to leave.  This is the scene where we see Aurora at her least kind…she does call Terra out in this scene.  I think her temper flares on “Plan?”

After AURORA says “Thanks, Terr.” you need to immediately stand and see Sylvie and move to center and start talking with “I wasn’t sure you’d be back.”  Even if you can’t actually “see” Lindsay yet, you “see” her anyway. 

The monologue about her past is really hard to understand - the muddiest part of your diction right now.  Also, the first part should be funny.  Make fun of Indiana…and make a bigger joke out of the worms…that is a funny self deprecating moment…and she says it to get Sylvie to smile.  THEN...things shift to something a bit darker when she talks about the guys (when you cross).  Bottom line:  think of this monologue in two parts.  Right now it’s all one note that says “My life sucks”…it needs more levels.

Similar to Tess’s note above, you have a confession to Sylvie as well - what I call the “tom boy” monologue.  The first part should be a remembrance of her joy…she LOVED running around in mud and all that…let us see the spark inside her - her light that shined before she started being told she needed to be more gender normative.  This part can be energize and full of life as she’s swept up in the memory.  So it’s not until “And everyone told me not to” that it takes a turn to her sorrow.  And this is what gets Sylvie to cross…Sylvie sees that turn…sees the damage that was done…sees the struggle.

Restaging - read carefully - try it tonight:

Aurora:  On “Not if I keep trying to be someone I’m not.” - turn away from him and go sit on steps - the exact same place you sit in your final scene with Easton.

Ryland - Enter talking, up steps, across stage to sit next to her on the steps - one step up from her.

Aurora:  On “You can figure a lot of people out…” rise and cross SR to center. Turn back to face him on “All you have to understand is…” Stay there and then exit as usual.

Even with the sitting as detailed above, don’t let it become too conversational and casual.  Keep the tension high.  She’s not in a place to really want to be helped….she wants comfort and acknowledgement.  And he wants to calm her down.  Let that conflict heat up. 

This scene was really rough…and Michael, it’s mostly on you.  Tess is coming in really energized, in full attack - and you swere super slow in picking up cues.  This is a fast scene and must drive.  Cut the beat before “I guess I’m not then.”  Tess can still take a micro-beat before “I-I don’t know…”

See Harlan earlier and say “Gay boy’s back.”  That pause is its own play.  340th note on this. J

Amazing date scene…really strong. 

“Dad’s not here tonight” - losing that line…critical to the scene.

The line to Eston is “Are you comfortable being on a date?  Since I’m friends with”  I think you did not read the version in color online and so thought “on a date” was cut…but it was never in the old version…it’s a new line.

Great connections.  But…the kiss was a little fast.  That joint inhale on the kiss - and a slow release is critical to the line later when Harlan says “I felt you kiss back.”  The audience should think they are going to get together when they see the kiss happen.  And then suddenly, both Harlan AND the audience realize they got it all wrong.  Hope that makes sense.

58th time I’ve given this note:  grab his hands on “Maybe I did. Maybe it was the heat of the moment.”  He then pulls away from you - which really injects energy into the scene.  Don’t forget like you have the last 57 times.  J

You aren’t landing your final line to Easton in the play.  It has to be the “final good-bye”. It’s rushed and you are diving off it a bit.  Really important.

“Vastness” - losing that.

You are speeding through “They’re just as pretty as you are.”…that is a really important line.  Like…super important.  And she has the courage there to say it.  And then Sylvie begins to see it as an invitation.  That line leads to the kiss.

Don’t break character when you forget (or repeat) a line.  And remember:  Sylvie puts her hand on your heart BEFORE you say “Love really changes someone…”

“cute” - losing that for US audience.

The breath before your only line - ha - is a bit long.  Just shorten that beat a tad.  It feels almost like someone had dropped a line. 

Split Division:  Finale Part 1

Heads up.  I’m re-conceiving the end of Act One.  So…after “And I love you” - the last line of Spectral.  Lights will slowly change as soft music comes up (a repeat of the Love music) - and this happens as Juliet slowly enters and stands on the block.  Juliet will not speak UNTIL she gets up to the block.  She then takes a breath and begins talking…like a ritual.  Once she begins talking, Lindsay and Tess slowly rise, hand in hand, and walk off stage.  The monologue ends with Juliet jumping off and exiting as usual. 

Split Division:  Feast

Can’t understand almost anything in your lines.  Enunciate.  Especially in Oreo.  It’s O-re-o.  Right now, I’m hearing “oryo”. 

This piece is SOOOOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOOOW and SOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOOOOORING.  Can you tell how I feel?  The eating is not intense.  The sounds are not intense.  The actions are unspecific.  But mostly, all the lines are taking 5 minutes per line…well, it feels that way.  So, starting with Marcelino’s “I don’t at well, so I’m going to eat organic food.”, you must be picking up cues and accelerating.  This whole section is meant to be a build.  Each line is louder, more intense, and faster than the one before it until you reach the chant (“Should, Will, Can’t, …etc.) ß----- which was sloppy - but should be lighting fast.  And there’s no pause before you all start repeating your words and going to the table…it should be a mad, furious thing.  And then you take a quick breath and dive into the food, which for Noah, is still on the floor for reasons I cannot understand J.   


Some notes I’ll address in rehearsal.

Where are the picture props?  We have had them for days.  They simply needed to be copied.  Please check with Hillary.  We must use actual props tonight.  And you must all figure out a system for ordering them.  I expect this done prior to Act Two.  Use the first half of the show to coordinate it.

Words really muddled in first scene.  In general, your enunciation has been struggling the past three rehearsals or so…maybe consider a more rigorous vocal warm up.

Cut the “…” before “ghostbusters-sanctioned ghost party”.  I think he’s been holding that bad joke in his pocket for a while, so just say it with full authority and no pause.

“I wouldn’t get too invested if I were you.”  Lost that line. 

Jab him harder on “You’re not nearly a good enough artist.”

Props - all food props need to be pre-torn a bit to make for easy opening.  Also - we can’t hear any noise of wrappers back stage prior to your entrances.  This means the wrappers in your mouth have to be folded carefully and easy to pop in your mouth.  This means that you can’t grab the handful of wrappers for the “dropping them on the aisles” section until the music starts for that moment.  Think it all through.

Again, when she asks you to walk with her… “Of course” is meant to be friendly. It still seems like you are suspicious.  No.  It’s a kind line.  Smile when you say it.  Phoebe is thrilled that her seduction is working.

“Eat it”.  I’m hearing “t - t” 

In the “She lied” scene, Lola should be on fire…pace it up - keep it energized - keep her filled with anger and disgust…drive it!!!

The entire “she lied” scene needs to double in pace and drive.  And I need Lola to exit faster with much more fury after “Let’s go ask Skylar if there’s anything we can do.”  And then a much faster stopping her on “Lola, you wouldn’t happen to have that drawing would you?” SO SLOW RIGH NOW.

It’s Skylar’s line:  “You know those drawings you and Elliott found?” that makes her instantly suspicious.  When she says that, it’s a huge shift in Lola.

“We need to get to her before she does something stupid” isn’t reading right.  What he’s saying is:  “we need to stop her from self harming…or worse.”  But right now, “something stupid” sounds like she’s going to make a bad YouTube video and publish it or something. J

When you read the texts that are questions, you need to make them questions.  Like “Are you safe?”  Remember, these texts bring her hope.  Right now, you seem to be hating all of their texts. It’s the opposite.  These texts make her consider leaving Phoebe…which is why Phoebe goes into a rage.  We’re not getting that.

I want to cut all of the lines that are not Piper’s and Phoebe’s…they are all sort of throw away horror movie lines right now…and over expository.  I think the image of them all coming in and seeing her…fearful and not knowing what to do…I think that’s much more haunting. This would mean “We’re here”, “Piper, it’s us. We got your drawings.”, “Piper, who’re you”  would all go.  We’ll discuss at rehearsal today.

You cannot put any pauses in your lines with Emily during this climax…it’s so, so bad right now and killing the scene.  And Emily is having to wait and wait on you.  I know the physicality and intensity is tough  - but you cannot be having to think about lines here.  And if we cut the above lines, you need to look at that too.

Pace up the last scene.  It’s not a funeral.  And Skylar could start it with some pretty positive, cheery energy… Try to make good with her.  Invite her to lunch. 

Split Division:  Enjoy
Will address at intermission rehearsal.  But in general, way too slow.  Lines need to pick up!  And Barrett, it’s coming off as “I’m sad, grumpy, down, bored.”  Give him more drive.


I took few notes last night.  Because as has been the case for some time, the characters are super clear.  and the intentions work overall.  Right now, it’s just a bit sloppy in places.  The second half, in particular, was quite rough…with a huge loss in pace and dove-tailing scenes.  This is to be expected, given the time away from it…so no worries.  But remember…things cannot stop.  It’s a mad dash. 

You are the main culprit (see above).  You are late on many entrances, not anticipating…and in many cases, you should say lines AS you enter and not wait to get to places.  Your “Big Tony” line can be “as is” with the cross first, but the others should all be “speak as enter”.

The hug/rocking moment is weird - because PJ is giving him no reason to step away and say, “PJ, is that really you.”  So Suresh, on “I would get mad at you, but I won’t…” You have to break down into ugly crying.  It’s a comic beat.  His crying is what makes Remy step away and question him…because emotion is not something PJ shows…

Don’t “robot” your final dust fact.  Say in genuinely.  We’d like to see it tried this way once, and then we’ll decide if we keep the new way - or revert.

Split Division:  Finale Part 2

You are ending the whole show.  You.  I gave the ending of our 3 hour epic to you.  It’s a huge responsibility and a privilege to have that moment.  Think about that when you are deciding how to spend your time off stage.  Juliet is NAILING the same monologue - and it’s backwards.  I appreciate you coming up to me to address it and to apologize, but you still are not off the hook.  That can’t happen again.  Okay?  J

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