Saturday, May 5, 2018

Pre-Show Playwrights Panels

The 14th Annual New Works Festival
Eye to Eye
Pre-Show Discussions with the Playwrights

Wednesday 5/9   6:45p - 7:15p
Teen Naturalism with a Surreal Edge
with Playwrights Rory Hays and Tucker Litch

Rory Hays (Revisions) and Tucker Litch (Spectral) are tackling complex relationships between high school students in their work.  Both approach their pieces with a desire to portray the authentic - but with a hint of surrealism and poetry.  Come listen to them discuss their delicate approach to the topics explored in their most relevant plays.

Thursday 5/10  6:45p - 7:15p
When Darkness and Comedy Collide
with Playwrights Michael Walsh and Barrett Kent

Michael Walsh (Kit-Kat) and Barrett Kent (B2) have imbued their plays with their incredibly unique comic voices - injecting absurdist, satirical, farcical, and cartoonish elements into their stories - and yet at the same time, are investigating incredibly dark issues.  Join them and learn how they used comic flare and approached the topics “side-ways”.

Friday 5/11  6:45p - 7:15p
Highly Theatrical Storytelling
with Playwrights Bowen Hampton and Sammy Martin

Bowen Hampton (Split Division) and Sammy Martin (Blank) both turned to highly theatrical methods with which to tell stories - utilizing sound, light, repetition, and rhythm so as to convey content in ways that elicit a most visceral response.  Both will discuss the use of theatrical devices and how employing such techniques helps create catharsis for both actors and audience.

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