Sunday, May 6, 2018

RE: 5/8 Pick Up Rehearsal

NW14: Tuesday 5/8
Detailed Schedule

Called:  Full Company
Agenda:  Crew Prep, Actor Prep



*This will be in full costume, though no need to tend to make-up.  Hair should be done, however.

^Actors and crew may watch when not on stage or prepping.  Though we want this to be a run that’s taken very seriously and performed with full intent, we can also make it a sort of “final get together” to share in our wonderful collaboration - and to see how everyone has grown since dress rehearsals.  And please think about food.  You need to consider having a snack already with you, given the 7:30p release time.

Let’s come together and have a celebratory rehearsal as we prepare for what will be a magnificent closing week!  

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