Friday, May 10, 2019

Thursday, May 9, 2019



3:30p - completion
(estimation 3-4 hours)

It is difficult to know just how long things will take.  If everyone busts it out with great energy and efficiency right at the top - especially to dig the dirt out, then things may go fairly quickly.  

There is another complication. The Visions and Voices Showcase is on the same day. This means Natalia, Zach, and Claire R. will be unavailable for strike. They will need to make up time per arrangement with Mr. Peerenboom.  

For those who are wanting to attend the V&V Showcase - and I hope that's many of you - the show is at 7:00p - and really, you need to be at PCS by 6:30p. So consider: change of clothes.

But be clear, the theater must be 100% ready to use when people leave on Monday. There is an event scheduled on Tuesday.

Also be clear:  except for Natalia, Zach, and Claire R - all are required to come at 3:30p right after school and participate in strike. You must all come prepared to get dirty and sweat and work hard to clean.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

NW15: Noise Reminder

At Saturday's evening show, I could hear - and pretty clearly - noise from the hallway, 169, and the dressing rooms - voices and doors slamming. Also, there was lots of traffic in the hallway, which meant as people walked by the auditorium door, it made the bleeding light flicker.  

The stage managers and I have been very clear about the noise issue. In case it's still muddy - let me try again.

Noise travels. Before and during the show.  The greenrooms and dressing rooms are not for parties, socializing, and yelling at the top of your lungs. They are for preparation. The audience, when waiting for the doors to open, got to hear lots of sexual language and curse words Saturday night as it oozed from 169 - how classy. Interestingly, the vocals were not so terrific on stage on Saturday - bad enunciation, poor projection, low energy vocals - lazy. But there was plenty of energy during card games and other social activities in the green room and dressing rooms.  Nice prioritizing.


Be quiet, please.  
Prepare for your jobs.

And remember, if a peer asks you respectfully to be quiet, they win. Because those who need quiet to prepare - or study - or to rest - those people take priority...

Please don't require me to blog this again.

Thank you.

PS:  On another note, when a stage manager calls you to places, you don't respond with "just a minute" - you say "yes".  And you go to places. It's really quite simple. Let me know if this concept is confusing and we need to rehearse it. Happy to call you in.  ;)

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

NW15: Cast & Crew Party Info

Cast and crew families,
Below is the information for Friday night’s (May 10) non-school sponsored Train of Thought cast and crew party. Lincoln drama has a long-held tradition of celebrating the closing of each production with an all-night cast party. To keep this tradition alive, students must adhere to a strict policy of no alcohol, drugs, or tobacco/nicotine products of any kind. There will be adult supervision all night, and we will monitor behavior closely.

1033 NW Eloise Lane, Portland 97229
End of the cul-de-sac up the hill. Street parking is VERY limited so try to carpool if you are driving. Feel free to park in our driveway if there’s space (our cars will be parked elsewhere).  You may also park around the cul-de-sac.Parents drop off and pick up or rideshare (Uber/Lyft) is suggested.

Bring a snack to share, sleeping bag, pillow, and games. We will have additional snacks, drinks, and lots of games. We will provide a continental breakfast in the morning.

It is a VERY quiet street, so students will stay indoors.

After the school after-party (after closing, there is a short celebration at Lincoln for cast and crew only) to 8 am.

Stacey Hanf 503 351-7676
Russell Hanf 503 936-7167 

- No drugs. No alcohol. No tobacco products of any type. 
-  No reentry. 
-  When students leave, they must check out with an adult, to make sure they are safe and have someone responsible to drive.
- Any inappropriate behavior may reflect upon their ability to participate in Lincoln Drama in the future.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all.

Russell and Stacey Hanf

Monday, May 6, 2019

NW15: Buy Your Tickets TODAY!!!


With only 3 shows left and such limited seating, it is absolutely critical that anyone wanting to see the show buy their tickets in advance.  

Parents, please go right now - and buy your tickets! Especially if you want to see closing.

Also note:  once tickets sell out online (we sell up to 75), we then have 12 seats left.  We have a policy to not sell the final 12 tickets except to a waiting list.  So once we hit 75 seats sold, we write names down on a first come, first serve basis.  

We will not take names for this list via phone or email. You must show up when box office opens at 6:30p and stay until your name is called.  You may certainly represent more than one person. So you may put your name down for 2, for example. But someone must be present.

We will start selling to that waiting list at 7:20p. Once those are sold, we will then start selling the tickets of those who have not shown up on time. Per that last sentence, please note: PLAN TO SHOW UP 30 MINUTES EARLY. We sincerely cannot do much for you if you show up late and we have given away your tickets.  That's on you.  

Let's sell this out!

Here is the link for tix:

NW15: Final Schedule Reminder

Below is this final schedule for the show.  Look carefully at Pick Up. Also note that meals are no longer provided.  Please consider how you will eat prior to 5:30p calls once we are back in performance on Wednesday.

T 5/7                           
4:00p – 7:00p  

Lighting Lead:            
4:00p – 4:30p

Sound Lead:                
4:00p – 4:30p

Run Crew:*                   
4:00p – 7:00p

*Costume run crew is not needed except to check costumes back in from laundering. Please do this at 3:30p and have all actors check every single piece and confirm that everything is back in. Once that happens, you may go.

^Actors - the only costume pieces will be costume shoes. No make-up or hair. Please wear clothing you can get dirty in - so think about what street clothes you want to wear for this rehearsal. This will be a speed through of the show - but with full lights, sound, and props (minus the blood and special effects from Portrait). We will release when finished, which very well could be before 7:00p.

W 5/8    
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

TH 5/9  
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

F 5/10    
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

M 5/13            
Full Company:             
4:00p – 8:00p  

A Sunday 5/12 strike may be also possible as an added day for some who are willing.  More on that soon!

Friday, May 3, 2019

NW15: Performance Schedule Reminder

Things change a bit with performances, so make sure you know the schedule! And look closely at Saturday.

F 5/3     (DINNER AT 5:00p) 
5:30p – 10:30p*

*For opening night, I'll have some notes to give when I arrive around 5:30 while you're eating.

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

SA 5/4  
12:00p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:^            
12:00p – 1:00p / 5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead: ^               
12:00p – 1:00p / 5:30p – 6:30p

^ we may be able to eliminate the second call time...TBD

Run Crew:                   
12:00p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
12:00p – 10:30p

T 5/7                           
4:00p – 7:00p  

Lighting Lead:            
4:00p – 4:30p

Sound Lead:                
4:00p – 4:30p

Run Crew:                   
4:00p – 7:00p

W 5/8    
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

TH 5/9  
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

F 5/10    
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

Thursday, May 2, 2019

NW15: Agenda 5/2

TH 5/2

Please note the later actor calls.

Called:  All Crew
Agenda:  Final Checks / Cue Changes / Lists / Expectations

^Stage must be cleared from 4:45p - 5:00p for a quick actor rehearsal.  You may continue work at 5:00p.

Called: Dina / Ben (on stage)
Agenda:  Work Duet

Called:  All Actors (in choir room)
Agenda:  Notes

Dinner / Show Prep



*There will be no notes after the run.  Once you have executed your post show duties, you are free to go.