Monday, May 6, 2019

NW15: Final Schedule Reminder

Below is this final schedule for the show.  Look carefully at Pick Up. Also note that meals are no longer provided.  Please consider how you will eat prior to 5:30p calls once we are back in performance on Wednesday.

T 5/7                           
4:00p – 7:00p  

Lighting Lead:            
4:00p – 4:30p

Sound Lead:                
4:00p – 4:30p

Run Crew:*                   
4:00p – 7:00p

*Costume run crew is not needed except to check costumes back in from laundering. Please do this at 3:30p and have all actors check every single piece and confirm that everything is back in. Once that happens, you may go.

^Actors - the only costume pieces will be costume shoes. No make-up or hair. Please wear clothing you can get dirty in - so think about what street clothes you want to wear for this rehearsal. This will be a speed through of the show - but with full lights, sound, and props (minus the blood and special effects from Portrait). We will release when finished, which very well could be before 7:00p.

W 5/8    
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

TH 5/9  
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

F 5/10    
5:30p – 10:30p

Lighting Lead:            
5:30p – 6:30p

Sound Lead:                
5:30p – 6:30p

Run Crew:                   
5:30p – 10:30p

House Crew:               
5:30p – 10:30p

M 5/13            
Full Company:             
4:00p – 8:00p  

A Sunday 5/12 strike may be also possible as an added day for some who are willing.  More on that soon!

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