Wednesday, May 8, 2019

NW15: Noise Reminder

At Saturday's evening show, I could hear - and pretty clearly - noise from the hallway, 169, and the dressing rooms - voices and doors slamming. Also, there was lots of traffic in the hallway, which meant as people walked by the auditorium door, it made the bleeding light flicker.  

The stage managers and I have been very clear about the noise issue. In case it's still muddy - let me try again.

Noise travels. Before and during the show.  The greenrooms and dressing rooms are not for parties, socializing, and yelling at the top of your lungs. They are for preparation. The audience, when waiting for the doors to open, got to hear lots of sexual language and curse words Saturday night as it oozed from 169 - how classy. Interestingly, the vocals were not so terrific on stage on Saturday - bad enunciation, poor projection, low energy vocals - lazy. But there was plenty of energy during card games and other social activities in the green room and dressing rooms.  Nice prioritizing.


Be quiet, please.  
Prepare for your jobs.

And remember, if a peer asks you respectfully to be quiet, they win. Because those who need quiet to prepare - or study - or to rest - those people take priority...

Please don't require me to blog this again.

Thank you.

PS:  On another note, when a stage manager calls you to places, you don't respond with "just a minute" - you say "yes".  And you go to places. It's really quite simple. Let me know if this concept is confusing and we need to rehearse it. Happy to call you in.  ;)

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