Monday, May 6, 2019

NW15: Buy Your Tickets TODAY!!!


With only 3 shows left and such limited seating, it is absolutely critical that anyone wanting to see the show buy their tickets in advance.  

Parents, please go right now - and buy your tickets! Especially if you want to see closing.

Also note:  once tickets sell out online (we sell up to 75), we then have 12 seats left.  We have a policy to not sell the final 12 tickets except to a waiting list.  So once we hit 75 seats sold, we write names down on a first come, first serve basis.  

We will not take names for this list via phone or email. You must show up when box office opens at 6:30p and stay until your name is called.  You may certainly represent more than one person. So you may put your name down for 2, for example. But someone must be present.

We will start selling to that waiting list at 7:20p. Once those are sold, we will then start selling the tickets of those who have not shown up on time. Per that last sentence, please note: PLAN TO SHOW UP 30 MINUTES EARLY. We sincerely cannot do much for you if you show up late and we have given away your tickets.  That's on you.  

Let's sell this out!

Here is the link for tix:

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