Thursday, May 9, 2019



3:30p - completion
(estimation 3-4 hours)

It is difficult to know just how long things will take.  If everyone busts it out with great energy and efficiency right at the top - especially to dig the dirt out, then things may go fairly quickly.  

There is another complication. The Visions and Voices Showcase is on the same day. This means Natalia, Zach, and Claire R. will be unavailable for strike. They will need to make up time per arrangement with Mr. Peerenboom.  

For those who are wanting to attend the V&V Showcase - and I hope that's many of you - the show is at 7:00p - and really, you need to be at PCS by 6:30p. So consider: change of clothes.

But be clear, the theater must be 100% ready to use when people leave on Monday. There is an event scheduled on Tuesday.

Also be clear:  except for Natalia, Zach, and Claire R - all are required to come at 3:30p right after school and participate in strike. You must all come prepared to get dirty and sweat and work hard to clean.

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