Monday, April 30, 2018

A note...gratitude...

Dear cast / crew,

I want to acknowledge the incredible patience and steadiness with which both crew and actors comported themselves over the course of a grueling tech weekend.  Numerous people waited 80% of the time while being "in action" 20% of the time (or even less).  This was necessary due to many unknowns and the evolving needs of the process as it unfolded. Theatre is always filled with variables. But this production, with its 5 scripted plays - a never before attempted devised work - and a highly unusual scenic orientation (also never before attempted!)...well, it all adds up to an adventure into the unknown...even more than usual.  

And yet - overall, people remained positive, attentive, ready to go when asked, and used their time wisely when off stage.  I saw the company embracing the highly ambitious nature of this production.  And in the final moments last night when we finally got the brief moment to run through sections of the work...everyone embraced their individual jobs and executed.

Tonight, we will continue to piece the work together in our initial full run.  As you know, there are some things yet to be attended to. I ask for your continued professionalism as we go forward in layering the show with more technical and staging elements.  I ask that you are always conscientious.  I ask that you simply: do your job!  I saw that spirit yesterday.  And though quite drained this morning, I am also very excited.  And I hope you are seeing what a unique and just plain "cool" show this is becoming.  Allow your enthusiasm to override exhaustion. And let's keep racing toward what will surely be a celebratory opening.

I appreciate you all very much.  It's a privilege to hold this position and to be able to collaborate with you all.


PS:  The parents who helped with food were so wonderful! Your volunteerism really contributes to our collective success!

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